Exploring the wide world of thriveapeutic concepts comes with a recommendation; go slowly. The mere act of considering a single concept can provide multiple benefits. By interacting with these concepts the benefits increase.
Concepts are foundational to thriveapeutics. They carry energy, meaning that together they transmit a resonance that makes thriveapeutics the neurological nutrition it is as a whole. Know beforehand that this is a lot of information. Going slowly will help you gain a greater sense of its influence.
This page lists many concepts in alphabetical order. Beyond concepts are pyscho-technologies. So what is the difference between concepts and psycho-technologies? Concepts are more generalized ideas that represent contributions to thriveapeutics. Psycho-technologies, on the other hand, are detailed applications of concepts. Sequencing, for example, is a common usage in thriveapeutics. Concepts with a specific recipe, order, or hierachy in its application represent a psycho-technology in thriveapeutics. Think of pyscho-technologies as simply practices, tools that come with a specific way of applying them.
Also included under concepts are phenomena and laws. Their differences are a matter of consistency. Phenomena are non-linear connections and correlations that do not necessarily have a clearly definable formula. Although many of the phenomena of thriveapeutics are reproducible, meaning they appear to occur more frequently, they are not laws. Laws are more strict, non-negotiable, and adhere to strict correlations and connections. There is also a link here for writings. These writings include a lot of information, some of which are found in books and videos. Most of the books available here and all of the video links are immediately accessible for free. Regarding books, having them available here electronically allows newer information to be added as well as older information to be updated, modified, and expanded.
The purpose of sharing ALL of this is to acknowledge each contribution. Each concept, psycho-technology, quote, phenomenon, etc. highlights an important piece to the development of thriveapeutics as a whole. Some concepts were influential for birthing techniques, others supported the emergence of new psycho-technologies, classes, etc. Thriveapeutic concepts do indeed change things and support things, all the while being "just concepts." Sharing all of this information helps shed light on how thriveapeutics has been so supportive for so many people (not all people) for so long while also running under the radar.
No one affiliated with thriveapeutics can deny both its sweetness and its efficacy. For the casual onlooker, however, these concepts may very well seem quite strange. Regardless of how you personally take in this information, know that 30-plus years later, these concepts hold up amazingly well for a great many people. They remain extremely supportive for people truly interested in learning about new ideas and how they may relate to positive growth. That doesn't mean that everybody will embrace these concepts equally. Uniquenesses will continue to reveal themselves while these and newer concepts will continue to emerge. Play with them. Have fun with them. Let them work for you when they can.
An Alphabetized List of Some (not ALL) Thriveapeutic Concepts:
Allow each brief description to shed some light regarding each concept and its overall contribution to thriveapeutics.
"A Dose of Awesome" - Any shared moment that raises the vibration and produces greater clarity and higher functionality.
"Activating Neural Connectors" - The upleveling of specific pathways of the brain that prompts people to feel their unconditional oneness with everything and each other.
"Addiction to Self" - The consideration that many addictions are the result of being addicted to a specific brain state, that version of self that organically does what that addict does.
"Angelic Perspective" - Seeing from above yourself to observe a bigger picture of what is going on.
"Answer the Call" - An empowering reminder of the ability we have to meet conditions well and grow through the process.
"Archetype Activation" - Upleveling of a specific dormant version of ourselves to extrapolate, develop, and apply the strengths of that specific archetype and brain state.
"Area of Engagement" - Observing where a positive influence is recieved organically. It's usually an areas that proclaims, "I'll take that."
"Area of Influence" - A location that functions as a portal, window, gateway, or access point for introducing a specific input or resonance.
"Area of Manifestation" - Identifying a parameter to monitor for changes. It usually is a place, physical or otherwise, requesting a positive improvement.
"Authenticating Your Process" - The recognition that authenticity is unconditional and develops at a rate that demonstrates your unconditional integrity and timing.
"Awareness-Forgiveness Process" - The acceptance that comes from telling a greater story about something and how that produces a more complete and resolved form of forgiveness, of releasing an immature version of the story, as if that lesser version could ever be the totality of declaring what actually occured.
"Blindfolded and Laughing" - An image of deep faith that combines not knowing what is coming (represented by the blindfold) and being so excited with the mystery, with the unknown, to the point that it tickles you (represented by the laughing). Faith, in this case, is from "knowing" how good it is going to be.
"Blindspot of Blindspots" - Not seeing or even acknowledging that you are not seeing the bigger picture. This is perhaps the biggest factor that causes arrogance, the expression that what someone knows could actually ever be so complete that the person conveys it with an arrogant or pompous attitude. This is usually associated with a deficiency of humility, pure openness, and conceding how fantastically incomplete any aspect of truth actually is.
"Blipping" - Changing state, the version of you that is active.
"Blue Darkness" - Sanctifying the fact that darkness is a natural consequence of previous poor choices. Darkness is a form of feedback. Poor choices and their manifestations inspire us to make better choices, ones that more directly hit the mark and answer the call. There is darkness and light, good and evil, all around us. There is darkness and light, good and evil, within each of us as well. It has to be this way. It's a polarity thing. The awareness of polarizing forces at play between darkness and light may feel uncomfortable at times. Accepting that a wisdom exists within these dualities helps. Blue Darkness represents the resonance we emit by conceding that it all has to be this way. With an appreciation for duality and polarity, we can find peace, embrace it, and resonante it. Consider night and day for example. The darkness ushers in the light and vice versa. Through that concession, we can actually feel held, lifted, by the wisdom within the system. In fact, oscillations of opposing forces are actually indicators of life. Think of an electrocardigram (EKG) documenting the rhythm of the heart. When no oscillations exist, that flatlining indicates death. We need oscillations to sustain life. Beyond the backdrop of admitting that it has to be this way are the additional calls we are given to answer and to live in the solution. We, therefore, focus on those higher calls in response to whatever we are facing, whatever presents itself regarding the polarity of darkness and light, good and evil. The calls we are to answer come from "out of the blue," from the wisdom of the system. When we answer them, we know we are living consciously in service to the higher good.
"Breath Steps" - Action steps with breath, doing it well beyond just doing it, focusing on the quality of the process.
"Bridging Toll" or "Toll Bridge" - The cost of being an extraordinary individual on an extraordinary path. For many, this cost may "feel" intense at times, meaning these people may feel more, bleed more, whereas "bleeding" means being so cut open that an emotional tenderness become apparent. On one end of the bridge is the toll, the cost, what extraordinary people pay energetically to have access to the other side of the bridge, which represents who they are. People pay for their uniqueness of being. Their uniqueness is the reason they live such a full, charmed, beautiful, amazing, extraordinary life, filled with so many unique blessings. All of the benefits people enjoy come as a natural consequence of the toll they pay mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. A bridge exists connecting the challenges we face (the cost) and the life we live (the uniquenesses).
"Bully in the Shadows Lurking" - Being tormented by the thing you are not willing to look at, acknowledge, or address properly.
"Burdonsome Relationship" - Placing a burdon onto others with whom you relate as if they are responsible for your peace, contentment, fulfillment, etc. Requiring people, external sources, to do your work, the work only you can do.
"Care for the Torchbearer" - Meeting the needs of your current self so well that you pass the torch onto greater you.
"Check Point" - Moments in time when you check in to get the latest updates on how you are doing and what calls you have to answer.
"Checking In" - The actual unpacking of what you're facing, experiencing, intending, doing, and more to gain greater insights on how to do what you need to do even better.
"Choice Points" - Game-changing decisions that alter what comes into your life and what goes out of it.
"Clarifying Questions" - Inquiries that promote greater clarity and awareness, such as, "How is this situation that I am facing benefiting me and my ultimate growth?" You can even pose a question about something greater than you. For example, "What is this situation calling for?"
"Coffee-Cup Analogy" - Relating being human to a coffee cup. If you receive new information does it change you or is it like coffee into a coffee cup? Does new information just settle into you as if you are a coffee cup, unchanged? Do you actually strive to maintain your current shape, your current understanding? The goal is to be more malleable. New information can actually support your newness if you are able to take on a new shape, a new perspective, a new you. Taking in new information into an old and rigid coffee cup wastes all the juice of the newness. Stop trying to make new information fit nicely into your past understandings. Let new information expand you and your understandings.
"Collaboration Inquiry" - Being so present to the relationships you form with others, the question of how you are to collaborate with each one of them reveals itself.
"Colony Spotter" - Analogy that emphasizes the foolishness of wanting to interview one ant out of a cluster of billions. In observing a colony of billions of ants, the analogy asks you, "Are you really interested in knowing what that one ant thinks or feels?" The point is that by being more interested in yourself and what you think and feel, you are practicing that analogy. You make yourself that one ant that interests you. By only being interested in yourself, you miss life's greater wisdom. This is a strong analogy to help with the "elephant in the room," that many people over-personalize and are, therefore, significantly short-sighted.
"Cookie?" - The standard on how to make a clean offering. The cleanliness comes by having no attachments. Whether somebody says, "Yes, please" or "No, thank you," the person making the offering is not even wishing they would take the cookie. We would all do well to make all offerings that well.
"Curiosity-Discovery Connection" - The relationship between being curious and discovering new things and ways of being. The degree of curiosity that someone experiences becomes the same degree that discoveries reveal themselves.
"Dancing in the Garden with God" - A syntax that supports having a good time while dancing with life under life's terms.
"Darkness Paradox" - The irony of happening upon any darkness. Becoming aware of darkness means that light is now shining on it. Darkness running in stealth mode (below your conscious awareness) is real darkness. Anytime you find out about some form of darkness, it is no longer hiding in the dark. Awareness of darkness weakens it. That is the paradox. Finding out about darkness places light onto it. Do not respond heavily to any awareness of darkness. Always respond lightly, which is the necessary next step for being the solution. Never let the presence of darkness take you into a dark world of fear, worry, hopelessness, dread, or some other heavier expression. Understand the darkness paradox, respond lightly, and then be in the inquiry of the call to answer. Answering that call is being the solution in response to that exact manifestation of darkness. As with everything thriveapeutic, believe in yourself and in your ability to be the solution. Know that you are that powerful, especially when you're devotionally, actively wielding that power.
"Defer" - The active passing of the torch to a version of you better equipped to address whatever you are facing. The Pokemon Analogy fits here too. "Charizard, I choose you!" It's a game of rock, paper, scissors. Depending on what life presents, you defer to the best archetype that will handle it like a boss. By choosing the optimal brain state for the job, you actually do handle it better,
"Deficiencies" - Specific calls to answer simply because you are lacking in those specific areas, usually a byproduct of the "Law of Diminishing Effects," where a signifcant time has elapsed causing those specific deficiencies to present themselves. Think of how dry mouth is a deficiency of water. The focus is always on the solution. Dry mouth presents a call to answer. Drink water.
"Dependent Colors" - Colorful energies that cannot care for themselves. Red, yellow, and blue are the primary colors. Red mixed with yellow makes orange. Yellow and blue creates green. Red combined with blue produces purple. The colors that arise from the combination of two primary colors are dependent on both of those primary colors. Orange, green, and purple cannot care for themselves. Your relationship is a dependent color. You and your partner are primary colors. Care well for yourself and each other but also care well for your relationship. It is a separate and distinct third energy.
"Developmental Needs" - Specific presentations that request growth. Any call for growth requires some form of expansion or emergence. This request for Greaterness demands meeting the conditions that satisfy specific developmental needs. Meeting these needs brings great rewards. Being more present, honest, and open, for example, may be a developmental need. Whatever the need may be, be in the inquiry of it to discover and satisfy those conditions.
"Diagnosis Options" - Choices regarding how someone responds to a specific label. Receiving a diagnosis can be challenging for some. Getting a diagnosis can easily facilitate a defeatist mindset, but it doesn't have to. It could stimulate an empowering mindset. Without being conscious, it is more likely to bring about a sense of dread as opposed to a sense of, "Well, now that I know, I can do something about it."
"DIF" - Short for "Difference." DIF is also an acronym that stands for Duration, Intensity, and Frequency. As long as improvements are occuring, be encouraged. What's the DIF? What's the difference between the way it was and the way it is today? Is the disturbance you have been feeling not lasting as long (duration)? Is the peace you experience lasting longer (duration)? Is the intensity of you disturbance lowering? Are you experincing a more pervasive peace or a higher quality of peace (intensity)? Are you having less challenging episodes (frequency)? Are you enjoying more moments of deep peace (frequency)? Acknowledge improvements. It's a form of positive reinforcement and fuel for "Momentum Maintenance."
"Directing Energy" - The practice of consciously distributing specific vibrations. Each energy or resonance has a specific frequency and can be consciously distributed. Directing energy encourages this practice.
"Directionality Inquiry" - Where is that coming from? This question involves the sensory system, stimuli coming into you that you percieve. "Where is that going? This question involves the motor system, stimuli coming out of you and landing somewhere. What is the origin and destination of specific stimuli?
"Disassociation Strategy" - Separating energies that result in a higher vibration for one or both of them. For example, the need to separate the wheat from the chaff is essential. "Do not throw the baby out with the bath water." In fact, we would all do well to purify things, to extract the purity of something from its toxic influences. Words are great examples. Many of our highest words have toxic associations. Many religous and spiritual words are of the "Most High." Because they have toxic associations, people throw the baby out with the bath water. The resonance of words like "sanctification," "holy," "exalt," and yes even "God" have often become associated with religion. Some people do not hold a high opinion regarding religions. Is religion bad or evil? Is a disassociation strategy needed to seperate religion and evil? This strategy results in a purification process.
"Distribution of Better" - The acknowledgement that "better" always exists. You can apply "better" anywhere. You can do better. You can be better. Doing better keeps you being the same you. That's okay. Even the same you can do better. Being better, however, passes the torch to Greater you. Once that torch is passed, you then discover how greater you does it better.
"Distribution of New" - The acknowledgement that "new" always exists. You can apply "new" anywhere. You can do new things. You can do things newly. You can do you newly? You can do new yous. As you distribute new in many areas, you get the juice of freshness.
"Dosing Goldilocks" - Finding that specific variable in between two extremes. Are you doing something too much or too little? Are you doing something too early or too late? Are you doing something too intense or too flat? Goldilocks is looking for doing things "just right." Finding the specific just-right variables within two extremes promotes optimization. Dosing represents getting it just right. With this concept, you are Goldilocks. What is just right for you? You call it. Is the bed too hard, too soft, or just right? Get all dosages right and enjoy optimization.
"Drama Solution" - The role that over-personalizing plays in all dramas, conceding to the sentiment that says, "This is not about me." It may be, however, about honoring the integrity and timing of all processes. If it truly is "not about you," would you be overly dramatic? Many times, drama has more to do with your relationship to an event than the event itself. If you can concede that the event is not about you, your relationship to it becomes less of a factor. Regarding any event, if you remove the over-personalizing, quite often you remove the drama. This can be a tricky concept for many people, since many people do not discern between an event and their relationship to the event. The event just is. Most often, the drama arises because of your relationship to the event.
"Drinking Kool-Aid from a Firehose" - Buying into a "fact" with blinders on and doing so passionately. This concept combines two well-known statements. "Drinking the Kool-Aid" and "drinking from a firehose" are two totally different sentiments. Each one highlights a quality of silly humanness. When people believe their position is correct and they spew it freely, loudly, or often, they set off alarms in others who believe themselves to be more objective. This is especially accurate when someone feels intensely about a specific position even though the accuracy of that position is easily in question. The obvious lack of humility comes off as arrogance, foolishness, and, in extreme cases, pure stupidity. To not even consider the likelihood of being wrong makes this statement both painfully accurate. Using this phrase, this concept, makes the situation lighter.
"Dying While Alive" - Giving yourself permission to be alive and a non-factor at the same time. Many people suffer greatly from specific challenges they carry with them. Many times, this lasts for the duration of the rest of their lives. They get the relief they long for by dying. Why wait until the day when you die and leave your body? You can die of yourself today while you are still breathing and your heart is pumping. You can truly enjoy the rest of your life as the best of your life. The best way to die while you are alive is to allow a completely new you to be born.
"Endearing Inquiry" - An important consideration for any thriving relationship. What would be endearing? What would make the heart sing? What would be most touching? "If it's important to you, it's important to me." Endearing, in this case, is being able to answer those questions accurately without having to ask the ones you love what the answers are and doing what is endearing. Note: If doing something endearing also happens to be doing something you do not normally do, it is even more endearing.
"Energetic Purging" - The experience of clearing immature things from your energy. It usually involves a high degree of feeling it. What many people believe is experiencing a specific emotion may very well be just the experience of purging something ready to leave your field. You can recognize an energetic purging by the depth of peace that follows afterwards.
"Energyings" - Invisible tiny specks of energy within the center of the tiniest strand that resides within the center of your being. As these particles of nothingness bounce around in varying ways inside the walls of your strand, changes occur in the emanating qualities that ripple out from you. People perceive the frequency and rate of vibration produced by those percussive ripples as your resonance or energy.
"Entrainment-Entitlement Scale" - A measurement of opposites that determine whether you earn what you want or if you simply just want it. The more you repeat a process, the more you condition yourself to it. When you actually repeat a process enough, you earn the benefits. That practice of repeating acts as an entrainment. The more you simply want something given to you without earning it, the more you are on the entitlement side of the scale. By doing what is necessary for however long you must do it, you earn it. By doing it for a certain amount of time and feeling like you should have it places you somewhere in the middle of the scale. Everything has an integrity. Meet the conditions of the integrity and enjoy the benefits.
"Epigenetic Influence" - The recognition that environmental factors alter your experiences. Environments and the people in those environments influence who you are, which version of you is upleveled (activated) and which versions (all others) are downleveled (dormant or deactivated). You are not only fragile regarding life and death of your physical body being here on earth, but every version of you is even more fragile. You quickly blip from one version of you to another, from one brain state to another, from one archetype or representation to another when you change environments. Epigentic influence occurs because of the law of resonance. Being present to different frequencies, energies, and vibrations influence who you are at the time, which version of you is upleveled.
"Epigenetic Receptor" - The people and changes that organically occur when entering into a room of one or more people. Certain people influence certain other people more. Who influences you more? Who do you influence more? These answers are observable. They are always being revealed to you. Pay attention to this phenomenon and choose wisely, consciously. You are a receptor when someone triggers you. You are also a receptor when someone faciliates greater peace in you. All you have to do is simply be with that person. You can also easily observe who you trigger and who receives you like a blessing, like the gift that you are. All of this is constantly being revealed to you. Pay attention. Let people prequalify themselves regarding who is who.
"Exaltation" - The act of lifting something or someone up to The Most High.
"Exalting the Story" - Telling the highest story. Continue to improve on telling the story until no other improvements can be made, meaning the story now holds the highest possible resonance.
"Expansive Sobriety" - Becoming sober from breaking the addiction of self or, more accurately stated, the addiction to being imprisoned by the tyranical self. This directly addresses the ultimate challenges we will ever face, ourselves! More specifically, it frees us from being a prisoner of our tyranical self. Sadly, to some degree. we all are addicted or conditioned to be addicted to being obedient to an arrogant, non-negotiable version of ourselves. In order to be truly free and sober, we give ourselves permission to grow in many directions. All of these directions are away from that inner, tyranical control and addiction. In other words, we expand, emerge, and blip into an infinite toolbox of possibilities.
"Eyes of the Unconditionally Loving Observer" - Seeing from the Most High. Imagine walking down a coridor and the walls of the corridor are lined with the eyes of the unconditionally loving observer. Feel what it feels like to be in that presence watching you walk, watching you live this life. Give yourself permission to tune into all of the feelings you get from being those eyes, the source of so much love, joy, appreciation, and overall celebration for your being. That resonance that you feel represents a version of you that sees and functions fabulously well.
"Feedback Integrity" - Recognizing the wisdom and necessity of the feedback you receive from life. All feedback has integrity. As a metaphor, consider that you are playing chess with God. You move and God responds. His response, of course, is based on your last move. Change your moves and it changes the response, the feedback you get. This is a game of the highest integrity. All feedback and responses express the highest integrity. If you don't like what you're seeing on your computer screen, change the strokes you're hitting on the keyboard. Learn how to play by life's rules. Live life on life's terms. Pay attention to the moves God makes in response to the moves you make. Don't think of it as a punishing God if you touch a hot stove. Play by the rules. They are not your rules, but they do rule the experiences you have, like it or not. With this concept, you can begin unpacking Einstein's quote when he said, "I want to know God's thoughts. All the rest are details."
"Flitting" - A joyful way of moving. Flitting is the child-like, tip-toe-light, springy playful movements of the delightful silly human. It brings forth a fun energy for all who observe it. Flitting is a highly effective way of joyfully admitting to being a silly human and sharing that proudly. The ripple of flitting benefits all in moving both inwardly and outwardly. The flitter flits and joyfully transmits.
"Follow the Obvious" - A way of embracing all of the mysteries in life. For all that we do not know, which happens to be an infinite amount of a lot, pay attention to the obvious. More importantly, follow its direction. If you are truly at a crossroads where nothing appears obvious, keep the following quote nearby: "When you do not know what to do, do what you don't know."
"Gifting Program" or "Honoring Program" - An act that honors the uniqueness and essence of an individual. Doing something in honor of someone can be a more delightful gift for that person than buying an object as a gift to give.
"Going-With-It-Ness" - Moving well with things as they reveal themselves.
"The Good Voice" - The voice you are allowed to entertain. "Good" is not the only voice whispering in your ear. Entertain only the good voice. The monkey-mind noisy chatter of stinkin' thinkin' will have to find a different host.
"Greaterness Trajectory" - The direction that growth travels. Improvements appear to follow a specific path. An active trend can be mapped out on paper. This provides a clue on where an individual is heading on the path of greaterness. Areas that have shown improvements can continue to improve into the future. The trajectory path may continue for quite some time.
"Greatest Sobriety" or "Ultimate Sobriety" - Release and freedom from the addiction to a tyrannical, dominating, controlling, arrogant, overarching brain state or version of you.
"Guardian at the Gate" or "Keeper at the Gate" - Acceptance of having the duty to be vigilant. We each have an appointment as "Guardian" or "Keeper." Not being aware of this important role allows for a lot of toxic thoughts and actions to come through us. As we actively advocate and allow for conscious, higher thoughts and, therefore, higher actions, we fulfill our duties, which helps keep all other sabotaging energies at a distance. This role is ultimately responsible for "keeping the demons at bay."
"Happiness-Success Continuum" - Focusing on the type of happiness that expresses itself as fulfillment, contentment, and satisfaction and enjoying the faces of success that follow.
"Health Paradigm" - Seeing all expressions as expressions of health. The fact that we can always improve is a blessing, not a curse. Just because you do not like something doesn't mean it is bad, especially as it relates to all of the faces and expressions of health.
"Hi Jack" - The keeping-it-light recognition that a tenacious, dominant, and tyranical version of you is in the process of actively seizing control over your thoughts, attitude, and actions once again. The first step in most processes begins with identifying it. This is, perhaps, one of the nicest, softest, and gentlest ways to go about acknowledging the return of a close associate you know so well, which actually gives you a fighting chance to shift away from that sabotaging energy and into a more consciously supportive archetype.
"Higher Mind Summoning" - The practice of calling on your higher levels of functionality. The higher mind correlates to the higher functioning prefrontal cortex. Presenting questions that the primative or animal brain cannot answer directs the questions to the higher mind. You can ask, "What would the higher mind do?" or "What would love do?" If you catch yourself in the middle of a meltdown, you can summon the higher mind. One way is by asking, "How would peace address this situation?" If you know the name of a specific archetype, role model, representative, or other energy you feel can better answer the question, use it. For example, you can ask, "How would the Zen Master within me address this?" You can also call on a dormant version of you and uplevel it. For example, you could ask, "How would 'I-So-Got-This' do it?" You can also ask, "What pair of eyes would be best for me to see this more clearly?" In that last example, the question directs you to an archetype that would see it more clearly. From that point, you can delegate to another and more suitable archetype to address whatever you are facing like a boss. All of these practices, these types of questions and inquiries, summon your higher mind.
"Holistic Health is a Redundant Phrase" - The acknowledgement that "health" requires adopting many practices. Health, as a term used in our society, gives off the impression that it is conditional. It is not. The phrase, holistic health, puts out a sense that something is healthier if it is under the umbrella of being holistic. Health IS holistic. No one ever said, "I don't have to eat well today because I exercised." You will probably never hear, "I don't have to have a positive attitude because I took a walk today." No one would even dare think, "I don't need to meditate because I drank water." Health begets health. This means that healthy practices inspire other healthy practices. One practice is not better than another. At any point in time, however, you may be deficient in a specific practice. If you have a specific deficiency, answer the call and participate in that practice. All practices have a shelf life, meaning that the benefit only lasts so long before you need to repeat a specific practice again. Sleeping, drinking water, eating well, doing yoga, getting a session, going to the bathroom, meditating, journaling, and a lot more are all healthy practices. Adopting many healthy practices is "healthier" than cycling through a few practices. Since health IS holistic, the rotation of many healthy practices defines the overall healthy practice. Thiveapeutics, for example, is just another contributor. It represents an aspect of health. Because thriveapeutics is relatively unknown, many people are deficient in it. Thriveapeutics adds a nice element to the holistic aspect of health. As a creative resource, you get the juice of its newness and novelty, factors that also stimulate the higher functioning brain.
"Homeostatic Regulation and Feedback Mechanism (HRFM)" - The autonomic function that sustains an individual and encourages a more conscious participation in life. The body strives to keep itself in proper balance while also adapting to the environment. Reorganizing occurs all of the time with or without conscious particpation. The type of autonomic functioning that does not require our conscious participation cannot keep us in proper balance by itself. The autonomic feedback mechanism also provides valuable information for the conscious mind. This part of the feedback mechanism demands a more conscious interaction with it. For example, the brain is highly susceptible to all types of programming. Whether conscious or subconscious, repetition programs the brain. Many autonomic functions get stimulated as a result of our participation with various types of programming. This is true whether the programming is conceptual or physical. The repetition programs our conscious or subconscious mind. Many of the "things" we engage with run under the radar of our cognitive mind, meaning these engagements are happening without our present awareness of them. The body's ability to regulate itself optimally, however, is fully dependent on the body's ability to know what is going on around and within it. Given how much programming is going on all around us at all times, the need to be conscious is essential for maintaining optimal balancing. This is where the Homeostatic Regulation and Feedback Mechanism (HRFM) functions uniquely. It is remarkably dependent on observing our subconscious programming. Since all types of programming exist simultaneously, a most supportive practice is to use the feedback you receive from life to regulate yourself properly and consciously in partnership with the body's autonomic functioning. Doing so means you are interacting with life and life's feedback more consciously, which is absolutely necessary for upleveling our higher functioning abilities. Use the feedback you get from life to help you help yourself more consciously, meaning you grow and function more optimally.
"How is Who. What is You." - Clarifying the difference between how and what. How you do something is based on who, meaning which version of you is doing it. What you do is simply being done by you. How and who, therefore, are interconnected. What and you are also interconnected. Results are similar when coming from the same version of you. They vary when coming from different versions of you. Instead of just making a to-do list, make a who-do list as well. Delegate each job to the best archetype for the job, which is the best version within you for that job. Even if that archetype is unfamilar or underdeveloped, the results are more likely to be better simply because it will directly influence how "you" do it, meaning you would no longer be doing it on automatic pilot. Being in the inquiry of "who" (how) results in being more conscious.
"Impermanence is a Thing" - The understanding the everything has a shelf life, a season, a lifespan, etc. All moments in the sun are temporary. The nature of things supports the sentiment, "This too shall pass." In dealing with challenges, impermanence can bring hope. When things are going well, it can help you appreciate it.
Improvement Indicators" - Representations that inform of a positive change. Acknowledging progress happens more readily when you are looking for them. Whether the improvements are in you or others, point them out. The phrase, "My how you have changed since I have changed," highlights the phenomemon that percieved external changes may be internal changes in perception. When you identify improvements, you encourage more of them. What has improved? How do you know an improvement actually occurred? What are the parameters? Improvement indicators denote progress.
"Independent Case Study" - Paying attention to actions and results to report any findings and correlations. When you believe something is good, you begin to perceive it as good. How do you discern what is actually good from what you believe to be good? Learn from your awareness, from your greater awareness. The more studies you run, the more you develop your skills to use your awareness over your knowledge. Scientists often run "Independent Case Studies" and publish them for your knowledge. Can you trust what you read? Who knows? You are at the mercy of your awareness. Running your own studies using your own awareness will help you draw your own conclusions regarding what is good. Sitting at the table of open and honest inquiry with others who also qualify as being trustworthy to sit at the table with you will help you grow in awareness. Running your own independent case studies will help clear some distortions from your awareness. This also results in running more accurate independent case studies.
"Integrity Circle" - An image to remind people to treat others the way you would like to be treated. The circle is a combination of two hemicircles. Each hemicircle feeds into the other creating a loop, a closed circle. Each hemicircle represents one person in a two-person relationship. Two people make up one relationship, one circle. One end of each hemicircle receives information. The other end gives information. Each hemicircle, therefore, receives (takes in) and gives (puts out) information (energy) of the other hemicircle. Energies must match. If one hemicircle puts out an energy that it does not want to take in, that breaks the integrity circle. Equally, if that same hemicircle takes in energy (interpretation) in such a poor way, it also breaks the integrity circle. It is equally important to take in information the way you would like your information to be received. Each hemicircle or individual is in charge of caring well for the whole, for the relationship. This high quality care occurs when each hemicircle is in alignment with its own conscious integrity.
"Intention-Archetype Gap" - The time between stating an intention and delegating to a more optimal archetype. These brain-based strategies involve optimizing the functionality of the brain first before undergoing a task. Going to a job site equipped with nothing but a hammer depicts it best. Facing anything equipped with only one version of you is being just as foolish and underprepared. A to-do list needs to be followed with a who-do list. Do not attempt to complete tasks with just a metaphorical hammer in hand. The best strategy for saving time and doing whatever you are doing inspiringly well is by minimizing the intention-archetype gap.
"Interplay" - The dynamic among energies. Whatever energy you bring to a relationship will immediately interact with the energy of the other person. That interaction is the interplay. Think of the interplay as being independent, even though it is under the influence of both energies. Of those two energies that make up the interplay, which one do you have control of? Of course, you can only control your own energy. You do not have control of the other person's energy. What about the interplay? As your energy changes, the interplay changes as well. Using your awareness of the interplay, you can make modifications within yourself to address situations more optimally. The interplay may very well be the best explanation for conveying the importance of focusing on who you bring to a situation over what you bring to a situation. The foundational changes must first come from within you. The interplay will devotionally follow.
"Investigative Curiosity" & "Enthusiastically Curious" - A sense of wonder in observing how things are going to unfold. Being curious can be helpful for paying closer attention. We become more interested in discoveries when we are curious. Similar to being captivated by a great story whether from a book, movie, or TV show, the organic desire to discover how the next part of the story plays out has us being more engaged and present to it. As all of your stories continue to reveal themselves, you can get even more out of them. You do so by relating all insights, all new pieces of information into these types of teachings, which are more open-ended (infinite) and less static (finite). In fact, each time you attempt to relate your newer experiences into supportive and open-ended systems, you actually usher in even newer insights. For example, the energy of truly being curious about who you are becoming does more than just keep you interested. It also helps you see and apply your newer insights, as opposed to missing them and, therefore, not using them. Relating all things back to infinite teachings, such as these, helps you apply them.
"Journey-Rest Rhythm" or "Climbing Analogy" - The understanding that progress requires alternating between action and non-action. The journey makes the rest sweeter. The rest makes the journey strong. As you travel upward, using the anaolgy of mountain climbing, you travel using your energy, which causes you the need to rest. As you stop, you get to take in the beauty of the bigger picture, the new vista and landscape. As you are appreciating the beauty of this greater, wondrous perspective, the rest causes you to regain your energy to resume climbing. The stopping is what makes you have the strength to journey on. It also helps you appreciate the progress you have made from journeying. Appreciating both of those aspects, the journey and the rest, is what gives you both appreciation and juice. Find that rhythm. If the time is right to journey ahead, you will have the strength. If not, appreciate the beauty of your newer perspective and you will fill your tank. "Juice for the Trajectory" is a highly supportive resource. You build that juice by honoring this rhythm.
"Just Concepts" - An ironic paradox regarding Thriveapeutics. These are all "just concepts." No one is trying to insinuate that these are scientifically valid ideas. That would be foolish and untrue. However, this concept about these concepts presents an interesting addition. These are all "just concepts" until you explore and interact with them. At that point, they cease being "just concepts" and immediately also become fantastic sources of support. This is how powerful we are and how powerful concepts can be. These specific concepts that make up Thriveapeutics are tremendously supportive when used in combination with the human spirit.
"Kicking and Screaming All the Way to Paradise" or "God Wrestling" - An immature temper tantrum that assumes something is bad. Oh, ye with so little faith. Take that lack of faith and add a lack of humility, throw in a dose of arrogance and include some prejudice for having a prexisting idea of what constitutes "good" and you have put yourself in an interesting position. Life is constantly striving to take you to "paradise" but you are busy having an adversarial relationship to it. Everything is happening for you, not to you. All presentations from life are either perfect or they are not. If they are perfect, we would not throw a hissy fit (kicking and screaming) over their presentations. If any one presentation is actually not perfect, we are in deep trouble. It would mean that the glue and the wisdom that holds all of us all together is malfunctioning or can malfunction (which it can't). Upon closer examination, any malfunction would result in instant, spontaneous death of everything. If we are alive, therefore, the wisdom and the glue are intact, functioning perfectly, and maintaining everything in proper proportions. More importantly, that wisdom is moving all things forward with unyielding precision. You may not like the feedback you are receiving. You are allowed to not like it. You may not recognize the wisdom in any presentation, but it is happening for you on your behalf. Since you are unconditionally on a journey, you have a choice. You can enjoy all that is occurring. You can appreciate all that is happening, knowing that everything is directing you and bringing you to "paradise." You also have another option. You can totally sabotage your quality of your life by kicking and screaming the whole way there. What a journey that would be. Not only would you miss everything that makes life worth living, you can make your life a living hell.
"Kinesthetic Vision" - Imagining something with your feeling ability. What would it feel like to be at peace? The power of visualization has been well documented. Go beyond vision, beyond seeing something with the mind's eyes. Asking, "What would it feel like?" uses the body's "eyes" and has you feeling it in the body. Allow yourself to imagine what it would feel like. Use that feeling as a standard. You will get there more quickly.
"Legacy Pieces" - Aspects of you that people remember. They may not remember you the way you would like them too. This is based on legacy pieces, events that took place with you. Any one event can create a neuro-association for an individual when thinking of you. Legacy pieces are impactful. They can arise from a singular moment or an accumulation of multiple moments. The statement, "People may forget what you said but they will not forget the way you made them feel," represents a legacy piece, how you made others feel. That statement, however, cannot account for all legacy pieces. Some famous people are remembered for certain great things they did. Their loved ones, however, remember them differently. We all have legacy pieces. They are not completely in our control. The point of knowing about legacy pieces is to inspire you to be as honest and forthright as possible in sharing your unique experiences. Produce nice legacy pieces. Share lightly, deeply, honestly, often, from as high a place as possible. That is quite impactful and significantly better than sharing well about the hell you have lived on earth.
"Mental Override" - The noisy mind interfering with awareness and objectivity. If a choice exists between doing what is right and doing what you believe to be right, many times you will not do what is right. Instead, you will do what you believe to be right. This is an example of mental override. If you are starting a 20-minute exercise program and halfway through you start to feel discomfort but decide to keep going, that is an example of mental override. Anytime you do not listen to your body and you do not stop doing something that is causing you pain, that is an example of mental override. When someone has an agenda to deceive you and you blindly trust them, that is an example of mental override. Know that, "A strong paradigm is often no match for an agenda." A mental override occurs anytime the mind's allegiance supercedes all other feedback. Even the unwillingness to receive feedback beyond your mind's allegiance falls under the category of mental override. Whether it is a belief you are holding, past programming, or your own agenda, the feedback life gives you lands on deaf ears with a mental override. Even deception can turn into a mental override. People inherently want to believe that other people are true, honest, and forthright. People are good, but they also have a tendency to be wrong, dangerously wrong, especially if they are under the influence of mental override. Can people be programmed to believe that a lie is a truth? Sadly, yes. People can be programmed to believe a great number of things. Although people are truly good, they are not exclusively good. They are also vulnerable to deceit, being misled, and other dark agendas. In accepting that we are all vulnerable to many forms of mental override, we can become more open to explore fully and clearly what is ultimately honest and what is not. That is definitely not a bad result. It is one we all can handle and appreciate. It's a result that enhances our awareness and makes us better at being human.
"Metabolic Capacity" - The amount of stimuli one can handle without compromising optimization. How much is too much? When you exceed metabolic capacity, you have done too much. Exceeding metabolic capacity can feel like being in overwhelm. It can be responsible for you not having the "bandwidth" to do what you need to do on behalf of your greater self. The best you can do at any moment is your optimal. Your optimal best can always improve. Once you overdo it, you are no longer optimal. You are suboptimal. Exceeding metabolic capacity not only compromises function, it degrades the quality of what you can produce. It makes optimal suboptimal, meaning your optimal gets worse. In the Greaterness model, the goal is to allow optimal to become more optimal. This requires stopping. It requires stopping for the right amount of time. Optimal is whatever it is. Be a student of optimal and do your best never to exceed metabolic capacity. "Above all, do no harm." Where is that line drawn? When does something actually qualify as harm? Consider anything that compromises, degradates, or sabotages function to be the line that we should never cross. Anytime you do anything that causes you to be more suboptimal, that is a harm. Exceeding metabolic capacity diminishes function. Being optimal is not only safe, it is the natural result of being truly present.
"Momentum Maintenance" - Fuel for ongoing progress. Making improvements is subject to the law of dimishing effects. The need to "schedule your success" is paramount for greaterness, forward healing, and so many other thriveapeutic strategies. Emerging once is not enough. Emerge as often as a can. Maintain progress. Follow up. Schedule your maintenance. By following up, falling back becomes less of a factor, even though the law of diminishing effects will always be a factor. A schedule of maintenance on behalf of making continuous progress is wise, integrative, reinforcing, and highly supportive for everything thriveapeutic in you.
"More's Disease" - The malady that represents the sentiment of not having enough. This affliction can occur in many areas of life. Because we can always improve within the infinite game of life, we can get lost in the need for more. The need for more material things including money leads the way in being the most prevalent representation of More's Disease. Emotionally, the need for more synthetic security happens organically when people have little faith in themselves and in life. We can address the emotional component by asking a few questions. What if life truly is unfair? It is. It's also fair in its unfairness, but that aspect of multiple truths does not apply here. What if bad things happen? They do. What if I fall on hard times? You may. All possible worries and more are certainly capable of occurring. Instead of just feeding the need for more things to secure yourself emotionally, what if you develop yourself more as well? The more you enhance more things for synthetic security, the less you are working on real security, the kind that is unconditional, independent of whatever you are facing. The solution for people sufferring from More's Disease is working on real solutions, solutions that last. Having stuff is fine. Enjoy life, including material things. When "more" only applies to money and stuff and does not also include your personal growth, security issues expand. What about your own awareness? What is actually real and lasting security? Focusing on more quality over more quantity is the cure. Instead of resting comfortably with whatever level of synthetic security you may have accumulated, focus more on what really matters and enjoy a deeper, more pervasive security, peace of mind.
"Motivating Factors" - Variables that inspire action. People are not as motivated to move toward peace. They are not organically interested in devoloping more awareness or clarity. They are not inspired to expand their greaterness. All of those statements are true relative to the motivating factor of pain. Being in pain is often the most motivating factor to stimulate someone to want to get better. Although pain is the most prevalent motivating factor, it is not the only one. Other motivating factors are more silent or subtle. One, for example, is the motivation that comes from being with people who you truly admire, especially those who exhibit a deep pervasive peace or knowingness. That motivating factor, unlike pain, runs more in the background. Exploring new and exciting ideas like Thriveapeutics is another subtle motivating factor. Understanding the role of neuroplasticity and the benefits of playing with concepts as well as archetypes can be very inspiring. Even more inspiring are the results, seeing that these ideas have great utility and practical significance. Pain can be persistent so the motivating factor of pain can be equally persistent. For all other motivating factors, you do, indeed, have to schedule your success. The more you are with inspiring people, the more you will learn how to adopt their wisdom. To be with people, however, requires making plans to get together. Scheduling those meetings are necessary. They do not schedule themselves. The need to be proactive with scheduling comes more often when the focus is on moving toward something. The motivating factors that come from the disturbances people get from pain, fear, concern, worry, stress, and more are usually effective enough for people to take action. The motivation people get from being with some kind of disturbance is organic because people organically want to rid themselves of any and all disturbances. What about also having a non-disturbing proactive practice? Scheduling your success. If pain is the only effective motivating factor that gets you taking better care of yourself, you will attract pain to motivate you to take better care of yourself. If you stay proactive on behalf of your "momentum maintenance," you will have a higher probability of "keeping the devil at bay," which, at times, means keeping disturbances at a distance.
"Moving-Toward Intentions" - The original, fundamental, ultimate positive psychology in Thriveapeutics. In the beginning, the focus was "moving toward" as opposed to "moving away." The statement, "Where the attention goes energy flows," explains the importance of focusing on the solution. What you do want? This is a much greater inquiry than focusing on what you do not want. Something as seemingly benign as that simple concept brought about so much creative support. Beyond the low-hanging fruit of positive pyschology, moving-toward intentions require a deeper dive. This is highly supportive for being more present, awake, and aware. These types of explorations are endless, infinite, and always bringing us to higher and higher levels of presence.
"Multiple Truths" - The ultimate concept for humility, openness, compassion, curiosity, and more. Whatever you think is true is, at the very least, fantastically incomplete. All truths represent only a part of the truth. Other parts of truth co-exist, even when they seem in opposition to other parts of the truth. Similarly, nothing is completely good or completely bad until you say it is. If you say something is good, if that is your truth, it will influence you the way good things do. The opposite is also true if you say that same something is bad. Many people struggle with this concept and have a hard time associating truth and choice. Again, these are all just concepts. If you choose to see everything through the lens of an ultimate truth and you actually believe that you are in possession of an ultimate truth, you are arrogantly claiming that you are seeing the totality of truth, which like it or not, is impossible. For pure paradoxical irony, "The singular, ultimate truth is that there are multiple truths." To be in the possession of that ultimate truth opens you to the infinite and allows you to grow in ways that arrogance could never do.
"Names of God" - Titles and designations regarding the wisdom of life. God, as a name, represents an omnipresence, an energy of omnipotence. Give yourself permission to allow for the existence of "God." Better stated, accept the presence of "God." The word "God" provokes a wide range of reactions. People who resist the usage of the word God are doing so because they are foolishly holding onto a remarkably incomplete or downright inaccurate definition of God. Yes, avoiding God or the God concept will always be a choice. It may even be easier than creating a working definition of God. Once you have declared yourself to be an atheist or agnostic, you may be overly committed to resisting "God." Who wants to think that they may be wrong about the existence or nonexistence of God? Sarcastically stated, "You never make mistakes?" Especially as it relates to something infinite, your truth is complete and accurate? The resistance to formulate a working definition of God is fascinating to say the least. To maintain a ridiculous definition of God just to maintain a declared status as an atheist or agnostic reveals how "interesting" we are as individuals. Faith takes a hit when the mind does not recognize the enormity of all that is and how all could not be without some form of wisdom or intelligence holding everything together in perfect proportions. Why not call that God? How about God is Nature? How about God is Love? Here are other names to consider when formulating a newer, updated definition of God. Consider, "Life's Intelligence," "Great Mystery," "Infinite Mind," "Wisdom Source," "Most High," Mighty Force," "Ultimate Equalizer," "Bringer of Life," "Guardian Within," "Spirit," "Breath of Light," "Grand Design," "Heavenly Father," "Mother Nature," "Source of All Creation," "All That Is," "The Universe," "Stream of Consciousness," and of course the list can go on and on. What is your newest description? When you say, "I am agnostic because I do not know if there is or isn't a God," means I need to know for absolute sure before I am willing to define something on my own terms. At the same time, I have no problem defining other words or using them even though I also cannot be absolutely certain that they exist either. I'm just going to single this one phrase out and in doing so, I will see myself as intelligent. I'll just adopt the overall consensus among a wide group of agnostics. After all, agnostic is the label I claim. Even more sarcastically, I want all of my terms being defined for me by agnostics. I want to adopt their position on the definition of success, love, respect, honesty, integrity, consideration, compassion, gratitude, peace, etc. Whatever these intellectually superior agnostics say, that is my definition. I do not want to have an intimate relationship with the God of my understanding. I don't want to have an understanding of God. Is God or the God concept not valuable, meaningful, important, or necessary? You can, if you choose, see God as simply an archetype, presenting you an opportunity to develop a relationship with something you do not understand. You can say, "God is the great mystery somehow holding everything to together and moving everything forward with unyielding precision." Simply saying God doesn't exist or I don't know if God exists is a low-resolution consideration to say the least. As a resource, using the name "God" will help you place things in proper perspective. Certainly, you can do better and show up more dynamically and honestly in having any conversation, including ones about God. To admit that certain positions you held in the past were either incomplete or just fantastically wrong may very well be your greatest hope for growing beyond the arrogance of your current self. Is your self-awareness expanding? Are you unwilling to consider the possibility that maybe God could exist if you defined that term in a way that makes it so? Are you okay with having that much power? If God truly doesn't exist for you, can you admit that your definition or position of God could be a factor? Lastly and most importantly, pay attention to the differences in consequences. Denying God gives you all of the consequences that you can expect in saying life is not intelligent. There is no purpose to anything. My life has no meaning. Love doesn't exist. Everything is random with no wisdom. Those consequences cannot provide you with a higher quality of life relative to finding a definition of God that works for you. Define God. Update that definition often to represent your growing awareness. A proposal for consideration is to explore a newer way of relating to "God" or the God concept. Discover the benefits, the different natural consequences that arise by doing so. Pay attention so that you understand why this topic is so important. Be present. Get in the game regarding developing a greater understanding of God than what you are leaning on currently. The more you update your definition of God, "the God of your greater understanding and awareness" will work through you. You are that powereful. You will notice significant improvements in your outlook on life. That is the proposal. Now go and run an independent case study for yourself and find out. If your current, static position of God is so accurate, you will find that updating your definition of God will do nothing for you. You will find no improvements in your quality of life whatsoever. The possibility of making improvements through the updated usage of the word "God" should not be a threat. On the other hand, what are you leaving on the table regarding your experiences of life by not exploring a new, updated, personal definition of God? Give yourself permission to open to the possibilities. Define God personally, intimately, uniquely, creatively, etc. See if you actually benefit and grow in awareness. Play with the names of God that work best for you. See where it takes you. Discover who you will become when you interact with the infinite.
"Natural Consequences" - Organic results. You make a move and the Universe responds. That result exposes the matrix of God. If something you often do brings about a reproducible result, you happened upon a natural consequence. If it has a well-defined mechanism of understanding between action and response, it is a law. Touching a hot stove is a good example of a natural consequence that behaves as a law. Other natural consequences are not so well-defined even though they are reproducible. Certain phenomena, for example, represent a seemingly consistent correlation between action and response. "Playing with the Phenomenon" also has a natural consequence. Playing, as the word implies, involves engaging with it lightly, with fun, as if a child. The other word, "phenomenon," means paying close attention to all natural consequences. In other words, it means you are curious to see if an experience you are perceiving is the Universe responding obediently to a move you have recently made. You don't have to touch a hot stove intentionally to receive a burn. You touch a hot stove by mistake. Your unconscious choices, actions, and more can bring about the same natural consequences as your conscious choices. Whether you meant to touch that stove or not, pay attention to the result. Whether it is a law of a reproducible phemonenon, you take your life to higher and higher levels of awareness simply by noticing a possible connection or correlation. That union between your actions and the responses (natural consequences) is a gift from the Universe to help you grow in awareness.
"Neurological Education" - Consciously teaching the body, mind, and energy body. Aristotle said, "We are what we repeatedly do." Repetition acts like a conditioning agent. An entrainment represents the brain and body adapting to the environment. You can train the brain and the body through the practice of specific routines. To program the brain and body consciously requires reiterating a specific thought, act, sequence, etc. The question, "What would I like to teach my brain and body?" can bring forth a multitude of answers. If, for example, one of the answers is "to experience and express more peace," a multitude of strategies can support it. Repeating a mantra, such as, "I choose to continually melt into more peace," is an example of neurological education. The key is repeating a it. The inquiry, "What would it feel like to experience more peace right now?" can help you shift into a more peaceful state. If you repeat that inquiry enough at different points of the day, you are teaching, training, conditioning, exercising the body, mind, and energy body to go there, which is another form of neurological education. Practicing meditation, releasing breath, floor time, etc. are also entrainments. Putting yourself in supportive environments and serving them are also forms of neurological education. Consciously practicing neurological education can occur through many mediums. Affirmations, mantras, readings, movement techniques, bodywork sessions, breathing techniques, being with certain people, being in specific environments, watching a specific video, listening to certain music, relaxing baths, star gazing, thinking peaceful and comforting thoughts, and so much more can function as neurological education. The key is repeating them often. The more you repeat a practice, the more you educate, program, condition, train, and entrain the brain, body, and energy body to the specific "storyline," the energy within that practice. For greater integration, you can use one objective, such as, "I choose to continue to grow in peaceful awareness," and apply as many practices as you can to support that one theme, intention, objective, or goal. Repeating as many of the practices as you can while maintaining that singular theme will maximize the process of neurological education. Doing many practices in support of a single objective qualifies as being multidisciplinary. It defines what it means to take a holistic approach. So can you program yourself? Absolutely. You just have to repeat it often enough.
"Neurological Expansion" - One of the fabulous results of having greater neuroplasticity. In fact, thriveapeutics focuses on the aspect of neuroplasticity that directly correlates to neurological expansion, the flexibility or malleability of the brain to produce new cortical maps and to form new neurological pathways. Neurogenesis, the creation of new neurons, and synaptogenesis, the creation of new synapses, help in these regards. Neurological expansion relies heavily on novelty, the newness of creation, and variability, the rotation of various established cortical maps in non-linear or unpredictable ways. Thriveapeutics uses many strategies to support neurological expansion. The most direct and revolutionary of these is the use of archetypes. Each archetype has its own correlation in the brain, specifically in regards to the cortical map of the brain. The upregulating and downregulating of genes can be stimulated through working with archetypes. Neurological expansion occurs everytime you direct the mapping of your brain to express itself in different ways. New archetypes and rotating through a wide variety of old archetypes are as valuable to neurological expansion as being in different and newer environments.
"Neurological Nutrition" - Stimuli that promote higher functionality. Vibrational frequencies can support vitality. They can also be toxic, meaning they can compromise functionality, causing the brain and body to function more suboptimally. With neurological nutrition, the vibrational frequency impacting the brain and body is more nutritious, supporting optimal functioning and enhancing awareness. All thoughts, touches, and actions have vibrational frequencies. They all have correlated rhythmic signatures too. Some thoughts, touches, and actions are more nutritious and less toxic than others. In order to deliver the optimal level of neurological nutrition, we aim for the Most High. This is most important in regards to our thoughts, which influences touches and actions. The higher our thoughts (vibrational frequencies), the lighter we feel and, therefore, the more nutritious is our influence. Oppositely, the more dense our thoughts, our vibrational frequency becomes lower, which means we become relatively more toxic regarding functionality. The brain in overwhelm does not function as well as the brain processing optimally. As a general rule, do not overwhelm the brain or body. do not underwhelm it either. Find the optimal neurological nutrition within those two extremes. That means being active and light.
"Noble Narratives and the Dark Agendas" - Promoting attractive objectives that have hidden, unattractive purposes. The playbook of evil involves some intentionally deceptive techniques. Using noble narratives to advance dark agendas is one of the most common. Noble narratives appeal to our goodness and blinds us of the dark agendas hidden within them. When we "drink the Kool-aid" and believe that a noble narrative is noble throughout, we become carriers of evil. If we believe so much in the noble narrative that we promote it without vetting it exhaustively, we become more dangerous carriers of evil. If you know that the noble narrative has a dark agenda behind it and you continue to promote it, you actually become a soldier of evil. You are no longer just a carrier. Being conscious of it makes you way more evil. If you know of a darkness and promote it, you are energetically exposed to a wide variety of uncomfortable consequences. If you find yourself justifying yourself as a soldier of evil, meaning that you have convinced yourself that carrying out the "noble narrative with the dark agenda" is worth it (considering what you are fighting against), you are so dangerous and have lost so much of your humanity that you yourself are lost. That doesn't mean you cannot be found. You simply have lost your ability to be more aware, something that is so essential for enjoying a high-quality life. Your ability to be present to what is truly good inside you is gone as a soldier of evil. Sadly, because of your lack of awareness, you cannot know you are behaving malevolently. You fell down a very slippery slope of evil and now you cannot even know it. So where is the line between good and evil? Anytime you have an agenda that causes you to begin to lose your humanity, you have just crossed that line. Like it or not, we are all one. Deal with it. If you do deal with it and reconcile that one immutable fact, you immediately enhance the probability of never crossing that line. Never cross that slippery-slope line into evil, into a world where having greater awareness is impossible. Watch out for noble narratives. If the actions attached to them are evil, do not drink the Kool-aid. You could very well lose the awareness of knowing what is truly good and what is not.
"Optimal Triangle" or "Quality Triad" - Three interacting variables that determine optimization and quality. The three sides of the optimal triangle are quality (Q), time (T), and result (R). This triangle helps us understand the importance of giving our best and then our better best. Q, T, and R are all variables. You can make one or two of the variables fixed. You cannot, however, make all three variable fixed. The quality of something you do (Q) has a large range between doing it poorly and doing it exceptionally well. The amount of time you do something (T) is also variable, whether it be seconds, hours, days, or more. The results you produce (R) are also variables, between making no widgets, for example, to making thousands of widgets or more. When you are choosing to function optimally, which is the entire point of this triangle, (Q) is fixed. It does not matter what numerical value you place on optimal quality (Q). For this example, consider using the number 100 in honor of 100%. The remaining two variables, however, T & R, have an interesting relationship. If you make time (T) fixed by choosing to work for three hours only, for example, the result (R) will be revealed to you. You will discover how many widgets you will make. You can, however, choose instead to make the result (R) fixed. In this case, if you choose to make 100 widgets (R), the amount of time you will work (T) will be revealed to you. The entire point of going through all of this is to help you make peace with what you produce (R) without sacrificing your best (Q). The phenomenon of speed and accuracy is a real thing. When you do not have to be so accurate, you can get away with being fast. When accuracy is necessary for quality (Q), you need to slow down. Try to put a key in a lock really quickly. You will discover that you will have to slow down to get the key into the slot. Don't mess with quality. Always strive to give your brand-new better best. To do that, you may need to slow down, otherwise you may be running on automatic pilot and not truly working on enhancing quality (Q). As you stay present to enhance quality (Q), work to discover how much time (T) is optimal for you. If you're optimal for two hours, great. You're working to solve for R, the result, whatever that ends up being. How many widgets did you make? Make peace with that. Maybe you only need to take a 10-minute break before starting again. Maybe you are done for the day. What is optimal? Maybe optimal is a 30-minute break. Either way, be a student of discovering the optimal amount of (T), how much time you can work while maintaining optimal quality. Take breaks for optimal functioning. Once you discover those optimal times (T) and you do not compromise on giving your better best quality (Q), make peace with the result (R). Accept the results as being just or accurate. "I made X amount of widgets and it is good."
"Over-Personalizing" - Using the self as a reference point habitually. Socrates said, "The unexamined life is not worth living." That doesn't mean examining your own life exclusively. When you truly examine life, you discover that it is not all about you. It is also about your contribution on behalf of the greater whole or the greater good. As a general guideline, "Serve others when you can, yourself when you must." Subconsciously, you foolishly use yourself as the arbitor or what is right, good, proper, and more. Any attempt to make many things about you fuels the practice of being self-absorbed. This reveals many unattractive qualities including being controlling, dominant, not a good listener, not negotiable, and more. It's an exhausting experience being with anyone who over-personalizes. Even when you are alone, you may be over-personalizing. When you are constantly advocating for yourself, you are dropping the ball in advocating for your greater self, that mysterious version of you that hasn't emerged yet. If you reference your current version of you too often, you squander your growth. "Living in a box stunts your growth." This is true even if the box is of your own choosing. Narcissism represents extreme over-personalizing. You can use that term to inspire you to liberate yourself from your self-focused tendencies. What is a better focal point or reference point than yourself? Shifting the focus onto things bigger than you is a great start. God, community, family, relationships, life's intelligence, archetypes, greater you, inspiring stories, and more are wonderful options. Another statement that may help you not over-personalize so much is to say, "I am not that sexy of a reference point." Although you may very well be very sexy, you can still add lightness to that situation by using that statement as often as you can, especially when you catch yourself making things about you. Another practice is called "Expansive Talk," which is a practice of not using any words that refer to you. That means you refrain from using the words, "I, Me, Mine, My, and Myself." Quite often, people find Expansive Talk challenging, which highlights how often we use ourselves as the go-to reference point.
"Overlay" - Covering that provides an overarching positive influence, especially helpful during non-negotiable situations. If you are frustrated, you are frustrated. Is that the end of it? If you are grateful for the frustration, are you grateful or frustrated? Being grateful, in that example, is an overlay. If you cannot sanctify something, can you sanctify the fact that you cannot sanctify it? Regardless of the answer, that is another example of an overlay. Overlays do not supercede what underlies them, they simply place our attention on where something can receive a specific form of positive support. In the example given above, being grateful as an overlay to frustration gives you the benefit of the resonance from the gratefulness. You can use overlays for various presentations and expressions. Sanctification is a great example of a fabulous overlay. Independent of which you are experiencing, you can actively acknowledge that a meaning exists, whether you know the meaning or not. If you can attribute a reason or a purpose, go ahead. Tell the highest story you can regarding its meaning and purpose. If you cannot attribute a high meaning, simply acknowledge that one exists and that the purpose is beyond your current level of awareness.
"Pathway Dynamics" - A phenomenon regarding energies and how they travel, land, lessen, or amplify. Energies do not like to travel alone.We all are familiar with the saying, "Misery loves company." Actually, all energies look for company. Because we are receptive-based systems adapting to whatever environments we are visiting, energies are flying all around us looking for places to land. If, for example, you are not meeting the energy of anger being expressed by someone in the room with your own anger, you are maintaining your "personal immunity." By not allowing that same energy of anger to upregulate or activate in you, that energy of anger remains exclusively with the person emiting it. If you are the only person in the room with that angry individual, that person will then feel more intensity of that anger since it did not land somewhere else, which in this case is in you. If the anger did activate and land in you, you are now an additonal pathway of anger. When anger meets with anger, for example, it intesifies because of the coherence of both people being on the same page. It also lightens the load for the individual who originally offered the anger because it landed somewhere else. That "lightening of the load" is what misery loves when actually finding company, an additional place where the misery can land. Be aware, however, that if you do indeed succeed in maintaining "personal immunity," the other person is more likely to "implode" for not lightening the load. The anger from that individual can go to more intense levels. This "taking it up a few notches" is another attempt at triggering you, of attemting to activate the anger in you that is currently dormant or downregulated. The more personal immunity you maintain and express, the more the other individual may implode. Keep in mind, however, that the peace you are maintaining is also looking for company. "The strongest paradigm wins" highlights the phenomenon of pathway dynamics. It can cause you, the person bringing the vibration of peace to the environment, to become triggered by the anger of the other person if that vibration of anger is stronger than your vibration of peace. At the same time, however, the expressively angry person can be influenced by your vibration of peace if the peace you are emitting is stronger than that vibration of anger. If the peace pervades, the individual will not implode. If that person keeps the peace at bay, look out for "shrapnel" coming from any direction around that person, including behind you. Being in proximity of a person imploding can produce "shrapnel" that can impact you. Shrapnel, as a descriptive, is a metaphor for chaos flying around. Even if you do not take the chaos in, it can land on your skin. In other words, "duck," leave, or remind yourself that you are in a non-supportive environment. Stay at peace but ask questions gently to soften the vibration of the angry position being maintained. One example of a "supportive, engaging, gentle question" may be, "Can we move to another part of the room?" Point to the area. It may be outside or inside. Wherever it is, it is. Movement is "more than a metaphor." Whenever you are in a new location, new opportunities exists. Capitalize on that newness by saying something new and engaging, such as, "That area was completely charged and was not anywhere as peaceful as it is here." As with all dynamic strategies, work to meet the conditions well. Come up with a new question, statement, etc. that will land and allow that individual to blip to a more peaceful version within. Of course, you could always just leave if the sense comes from you that says, "I'm not allowed to be here."
"Peace, Breath, Movement, and Fluidity" - The original package of objectives that facilitators coherently promote. The point of having four is to highlight the fact that not all pain is the same. Sometimes, pain results as a natural consequence of a deficiency of peace. Other times, a lack of movement can cause a disturbance. Whatever objective is the most attractive to an individual is the one to use as a focal point. People continue to resonate well with this package. Hearing someone say, "Peace, breath, movement, and fluidity please" as a request never gets old. The sweetness of it remains true today as it continues to be very effective. Since its origination in 1994, other objectives have become commonplace within the world of Thriveapeutics. "Peace and freedom" is another syntax that represents an often stated objective. All of those words can be used independently too. If one of those words alone is a more direct hit, use it independently. Other words that are common objectives in Thriveapeutics include: Unwinding, Letting go, Releasing, Stopping, Clearing, Softening, Dissolving, Melting, Disengaging, Disappearing, Dissipating, Disseminating, Expanding, Emerging, and the list goes on and on. Even longer sentences can work wonders as an objective, such as "Falling Delightfully Into the Deep Abyss of the Nothingness." Go ahead a play with these offerings. Find the words that resonate well for you. The energy from conceding to the right words, the right resonance, puts the thrive in Thriveapeutics.
"Peace Portal" - The gateway or corridor for peace. Where will peace organically land? Where is an access point for peace, the place that will best and organically receive peace? Being in that inquiry to locate and identify a peace portal uplevels your effectiveness as a bringer of peace. Once you locate and identify a peace portal, enjoy the greater peace that comes from interacting with it. The interaction may be physical, meaning you can actually touch the area peacefully, physically. It doesn't, however, have to be physical. You can simply touch it visually by looking at a peace portal with your eyes. Even looking at it with your mind's eyes is effective. Go ahead and see it, connect with it. Feel the increase of peace in you that comes from connecting with the peace portal. Then gently and softly disengage from it, allowing the ripple of peace to emanate as a natural consequence of giving the peace portal (and you) some space.
"Perfection is Infinite" - The endless process of making improvements. "No matter how great you are, there will always be a greaterness, a greater you available." Even the phrase, "a more perfect union," emphasizes that perfection is improvable. "There is no ceiling to quality of life improvements." Thriveapeutics uses many words and practices to highlight this incredible ability of being human. Examples include, "Greaterness," "Successions," "Forward Healing," and "Neurological Expansion." So many terms represent our infinite nature. Personal growth will always be infinite, endless, and eternal. The key is to "stick with it" to go to the next level and have access to the level after that. There is no skipping steps for emerging. If you answer the calls of your emergence in this moment, you grow. You develop the soul in your care. More importantly, you gain access to higher calls. These higher calls reveal themselves when you answer the calls in front of you today. You can only discover what is possible for you when you play with this phenomenon. So how amazing can you be? That depends on how well and how often you answer the calls that are in front of you.
"Perfectly Imperfect and Imperfectly Perfect" - The original thriveapeutic paradox. This sentiment can be expressed in two different ways. We can acknowledge that each one of us is "perfectly imperfect." We can also say that each one of us is "imperfectly perfect." Use the one you prefer or just say both to cover your bases. The point is to make peace with the paradox of being both perfect and imperfect at the same time. This concession softens you and helps you be humble, open, and wise.
"Person in the Mirror" - The subconscious version of you. The mirror is your friend but only if you look at it. If you ignore the mirror, you neglect your inner child. How do you treat the person in the mirror? Do you like what you see? Are you critical? How do you think the person in the mirror is going to respond to you? Will the person in the mirror feel love from you if you are often critical? Like it or not, the person in the mirror has a lot of power over you. That person in the mirror is fully aware of what is going on subconsciously within you, even though you may not. If you please the person in the mirror, a version of you will allow you to reap the rewards you would like to earn. That truly is an awesome power. Assume that the person in the mirror knows what you need to do to earn whatever you would like to earn. Assume that the person in the mirror has the scrolls regarding your integrity, recipes for success, timing of things, and inner programming. When you do whatever you have to do for however long you have to do it, you not only honor your unconditional integrity, you allow the person in the mirror to give you your results, the ones you choose to earn. You cannot ever lie to the person in the mirror. You can attempt to lie. The person in the mirror knows, even if you don't. The person in the mirror knows how much work you have done and in what areas. The person in the mirror knows the quality of attention you have given to the work you have done. The person in the mirror knows whether or not you nurture your greaterness. Once you meet the conditions of the person in the mirror, your own integrity, you receive the benefits. Stay the course. Enjoy the process. Take great care of the person in the mirror. Remember, the person in the mirror is the one who gives you the results when you earn them. The person in the mirror is always watching, always aware. Be extremely conscious, loving, gentle, respectful, etc. when addressing the person in the mirror. More importantly, look at the person in the mirror often. It truly matters.
"Personal Immunity" - The practice of being true, safe, untouchable. Self-care and self-love are very close to each other. Providing great self-care is an expression of great self-love. You strengthen your personal immunity when you provide yourself with great care/love. Outside factors can disturb your peace when you neglect your self-care and self-love. Providing yourself clear access to the Wisdom Source is a great act of self-love and self-care that you give to your conscious self. Your ability to assess and address anything you face like a boss requires you to be clear. Just knowing that personal immunity is a thing will actually help you care well for your conscious self. Neglecting your conscious self lowers your personal immunity. If you think that Thriveapeutics is just positive thinking, try ignoring personal immunity and see how that works out for you. "You have within your possession a sacred trust. Guard it well." Those words were given by B.J. Palmer in addressing doctors of chiropractic. That sentiment carries over into so many sacred trusts we have in our possession. How about the fact that we are sacred? Shouldn't we trust that and trust it well? How about the fact that we have an unconditional connection to the Wisdom Source? Shouldn't we guard that sacred trust or should we ignore it, neglect it, or just let ourselves forget about it? The more we guard all that is sacred within us, the more we enhance our personal immunity. This is why we focus so much time and energy on unconditional welcoming and sanctifying. These practices strengthen personal immunity. They also happen to enhance awareness and functionality too. Coincidence? Do you think a correlation exists between personal immunity and functionality? You have so much that is sacred. Guard it well. If the outside world is bringing you down or better said, if you are allowing the outside world to bring you down, you are not guarding your sacred trust. You are lowering your personal immunity. If you feel you are currently unable to shift, to make a positive difference, sanctify that. If you are not sanctifying that, you cannot stop the outside world from bringing you down. You are not guarding your sacred trust. In moving-toward language, guard your sacred trust. Learn how to provide higher quality self-care and self-love. If not for yourself, do it for others, for the whole. Be the strongest paradigm and enjoy a phenomenal level of personal immunity not realized.
"Phenomenologist and Possibilitarian" - A person who studies phenomena and possibilities. A phenomenologist from the perspective of Thriveapeutics is someone who has a keen interest in phenomenology, which is simply the study of phenomena. Maybe you were not aware that the archetype of the phenomenologist exists. Well it does! Develop your inner phenomenologist and you are more likely to see fantastically supportive connections that other archetypes would miss. Similarly, the possibilitarian is an individual who delves into the extremely curious and infinite world of possibilities, of what is possible through functioning optimally as often and as high as you can while also renewing your vows of devotion to your continuous development and greaterness. Both the phenomenologist and the possibilitarian are extremely curious people. Their interest to stay awake and learn is quite inspiring as is their commitment to their crafts.
"Playing in the Field" and "Playing with the Phenomenon" - A delightful and wide open relationship with phenomena. Play represents doing something lightly, enjoying it, and having fun in the process. Playing with a child-like spirit happens to be very, very wise. The vision of a young girl in a wide open field with a sundress on dancing wildly and spinning delightfully with the sun shining down on her beauty and joy captures the image of "Playing in the field." Take that same spirit and sit at the chessboard with God. You move and God responds. God is teaching you how to play chess, how to do this life. Pay attention to these teachings but play on. When you happen upon a reproducible phenomenon, whether it is something you are reading here or something you discover in life, pay attention to those teachings, and play on.
"Plot Twists" - Spontaneous changes that alter things. Notice the difference in you when plot twists occur in your real life versus in a story you are reading or watching on TV. "Plot twists are reminders that you're living an adventure." When reading or watching TV, plot twists are game-changers that add texture to the story. Your ever-evolving emergence is also a fantastic story. "Tell the story that has not been told." That means make peace with plot twists in your own story evolving. Of course, plot twists often look like they are coming from outside youself. Catalytically, that may be true, but pay attention to your plot twists. Quite often, they summon your greaterness, the greaterness that needs to emerge for you to meet your newer you.
"Position of Strength (POS)" - Being an advocate for enhancing your leverage. Did you ever look for a job when you didn't need it? That's a pretty good position of strength. Did you ever look for a job when you didn't have one? That's not a very good position of strength. Did you ever choose to improve yourself when things are going well? That's a really good position of strength. Did you ever choose to take better care of yourself because you knew you hadn't and you were feeling or seeing those results? That's not a very good position of strength. Did you ever find yourself in a conflict with someone and you kept silent for a good amount of time before sharing? That's a pretty good position of strength. Did you ever find yourself in a conflict with someone and you shared whatever came to mind at the time and you delivered it in a way that it organically came out of you? That's not a very good position of strength. When you come from the higher ground, you are in a greater position of strength. Most people sacrifice their positions of strength simply by not acknowledging what is and what is not a greater position of strength. Don't let that be you. Work toward enhancing your position of strength, of taking the higher ground. Let silence take you as high as you can go regarding your position of strength. When the time is right for sharing, share in such a way that does not degrade your position of strength. Even when choosing the words to use, make certain those words do not lower your position of strength. Stay in the inquiry of what would elevate it. Your position of strength has nothing to do with being louder, more forceful, or more stubborn. It does, however, have everything to do with carrying a soft presence while advocating on behalf of a solution that hasn't revealed itself yet.
"Positive Reception" and "Station Indentification" - Being tuned to the right channel and knowing it. If you are a fault finder, you are tuned in to that channel. You, therefore, will not squander the opportunity to point out a fault or a problem. When you catch yourself being critical, denouncing, or condemning, you can decide if that is the best channel. Using TV as a metaphor, what channel are you tuned in to? If you do not practice "station identification," you are going to continue to allow that fault-finding programming to have its way with you. On the other hand, when you practice station identification, you admit that what you are watching is not what you choose to be tuned to. You can, then, change the channel. Tune your reception to the positive and start seeing what is working, what is improving, and what is happening that is highly encouraging. Consider yourself to be a satellite dish. With the intention to gain reception of the positive, you will start to see more positives. You will have more opportunities to praise progress in yourself and in others simply because you will be tuned in to that station. All the positives will continue to be revealed to you. Acknowledge them, each and every one of them.
"Practical Integration" - The practice of considering what to do to integrate higher levels of awareness. Many practices are available to help people become more aware, in touch, connected, at peace, clear, and that list goes on and on. The practice itself, whatever it is, brings you to that better state. When you complete that practice and are in a better brain state, do not routinely get up to take on the rest of the day. In doing so, you force that greater state to leave, which means you also lose the correlated greater awareness, in-touch-ness, peace, clarity, and more that come with that higher state. Instead of quickly and routinely shifting away from what you just recently learned, stay in the silence. Stay in the stillness for a little while longer. As you feel the need to move on, do not just move on. From that more optimal brain state, ask yourself, "How do I move in order to keep this state of being?" You will find yourself learning new ways to move and function. Do your best to maintain your greater, higher, clearer state of mind. "Don't let your movements, thoughts, or words interfere with your higher state of being." As you consciously consider how to bridge the gap between maintaining the results of you just received and moving on, you discover the application of practical integration.
"Praise Progress" - Reporting on improvements for positive reinforcement. Pointing out progress does wonders for encouraging continuous development. Catch people doing things right. Tell them. When you see improvements in someone, tell them. Do the same for yourself. Even reporting on a subtle improvement is encouraging. Progress adds up. In fact, "The most integrative improvements are incremental." Try this affirmation and see if you find it accurate, supportive, and encouraging: "I may not be where I would like to be, but I am significantly better off than where I was."
"Predictably Unpredictable" - Conceding to the existence of plot twists. Making peace with the mystery, with the unknown, requires making peace with plot twists, especially those that have yet to reveal themselves. When will the next plot twist be? Who know? What will it be? Who knows? The answers to these inquires are predictably unpredictable. If you are ready, truly ready, then you are packing unconditional welcoming. You are ready for anything. Making peace with the predictably unpredictable allows you to maintain a higher state of functionality. When the inevitable predictably unpredictable reveals itself, you will be better equipped to handle it like a boss.
"Premortem" or "Packing" - Preparation for handling anything. By definition, a premortem represents having strategies in place beforehand, especially for the times when things do not go as planned. Thriveapeutically, this requires "packing" on behalf of the inevitable plot twists. Packing is having resources easily accessible in your toolbox, that invisible filing system in your mind and in your field. When inevitable plot twists appear, access the best tool in your toolbox. Premortems can be general or specific. Packing a general premortum involves things like unconditional welcoming, sanctifying whatever shows up, assessing and addressing like a boss. You pack those resources through repetition, by practicing them often. Specific Packing, however, represents the fine details. An example of this includes Practical Integration. You can decide before a session that you are going to use Practical Integration afterwards. Specific premortems can also be specific forms of self-programming. For example, you can write a program that says, "When I start to feel hints of angst bubbling up on me, cue the level-headed version of me that knows that everything happens for a reason, that the sensations that arise can be whatever they need to be, and that a wise version of me will take many, deep, wonderful breaths and relax into the wisdom of it all." You can add a line into that program that says, "Repeat this program until I am fully back at peace." Also called the "If-Then Mantra," you can repeat a programming proactively, at pre-scheduled times each day. Obviously, this form of preprogramming youself, of packing a specific program, works best when you personalize it, when you make it practical on your behalf, meaning it fits and suits you. Having premortems, packing like a boss, and programming yourself with If-Then Mantras will help you feel more comfortable moving into the mystery, of facing the great unknowns of life.
"Prequalifying" - The practice of letting what comes come and letting what goes go. You can want certain people to behave a certain way. You can even request that certain people behave a certain way. Heck, you can even demand that certain people behave a certain way. You are so allowed to get frustrated, angry, and upset when certain people do not behave a certain way. On the other hand, you can simply observe people. Who organically behaves that certain way? Prequalifying uses observation. Who has prequalified themselves as being the genuine article for behaving a certain way? Instead of placing a burden on someone to behave a certain way, go to the person who displays it. Of course, you are always allowed to request being treated nicely, respectfully, mindfully by people with whom you relate. That is not the point. The point is you do not go to a donut shop looking to buy tires. You do not go to a tire shop to buy donuts. They are similar in that both are round. Tire shops, however, prequalify themselves as being a place for purchasing tires. Honor that. When interacting with people, care well for them. Honor them. Do not place a burden on them to behave the way other people behave. Let people prequalify themselves into your life and out of your life. Some people will organically show up in your life and some will organically remove themselves out of your life. Some people will display qualities that are attractive and some will display qualities that are repelling. The ones that are attractive have prequalified themselves as being excellent candidates for your inner circle. The ones that are repelling are not allowed to be part of your inner circle. Of course, you can relate to as many people as you can manage. Your inner circle, however, needs to be those of the highest quality. Consider your inner circle to be your God squad, your spiritual family. Invest in these sacred relationships. When you "want" certain people to be in your inner circle, stop it. Just let people prequalify in or out of that circle. When you allow people to prequalify themselves in or out of your inner circle, you are cooperating with your unique ingredients for success.
"Process of Cooperation" or "Cooperative Process" - Collaboration with others and with life. Cooperation is not the same as being compliant with outside or external demands. The spirit of cooperation with life's inner wisdom, otherwise known as "going-with-it-ness," brings about a fantastic process. The process of cooperation has a hidden ally, trust. When you are "going with it," you are trusting in it. You are also demonstrating faith. For example, you may not be certain that whatever you are following is taking you somewhere safe, but you follow anyway. You have faith that everything is going to be okay. Is everything going to be okay? Even if it is not, is that okay? Is it okay that it is not okay? Yes? The overlay strikes again!
"Pseudo-States" - An inner disagreement that reveals a dissonance between a person's resonance and his or her words or actions. When someone appears to present in a Blue or Red state but they are truly not, the terms are "Pseudo-Blue" and "Pseudo-Red." Either of these states show up when acting "as if" is clearly not working and actually fueling and exposing an inner conflict.
"Psychic Disturbance" - A sensitivity to "thought energies," especially ones that attack a person's self-concept of goodness. When someone has ill feelings about you for whatever reason, you can that say you don't care. Heck, you can say a lot of things. You can even believe those things. Your sentiments can actually feel true, good, right, etc. What they cannot do is stop the resonance of those ill feelings that someone is putting out in connection to you. You can wish, hope, believe that it would have no influence on you. You can even state with impressive certainty that you have fantastic immunity to those ill-feelings. Resonance is resonance. Resonance does what resonance does. Like it or not, all ill-feelings carry some form of psychic disturbance, an energetic ripple that interferes with the ripple of peace. Energy is. Some energies are supportive. Some are not, meaning they are more disruptive. Upon closer examination, even disruptive energies are supportive in that they highlight calls you have to answer within yourself to address them properly. Properly is the key word here. Psychic disturbances are only detrimental when you ignore them. How, then, do you set things right? The answer is with great honesty. Whatever your role was in the dynamic that, at the very least, contributed something toward the manifestation of ill feelings, what could you have done better within yourself? More specifically, what would reflect a higher level of love, softness, understanding, acceptance, respect, compassion, humbleness, wisdom, etc? Make certain that those things that you could have done better are done better immediately and often. Demonstrate those things with as many people as you possibly can. That is the most sure-fire way to address the ripple of psychic disturbances fully and honestly. Of course, you could always attempt to apologize but that is not always the best strategy since you cannot be responsible for how others will receive it or you. Maybe a person has passed away or you have absolutely no interest to reconnect at all. That is fine. Just make absolutely certain that you take full responsibility for anything you could have done better but did not. Make ceratin that you do what you need to do better. Do it often, better every time, in as many situations that you can. Energies know when they are fully respected; even rippling, disturbing, psychic energies know. For people to whom this definitely applies, this may very well be one of the best strategies you will ever learn. This is a lock-and-key strategy, one that effectively addresses a specific, rippling, disturbing energy. This practice is far more effective than using only conventional, generalized clearing techniques.
"Reaction-Response Time" - The amount of time a reflex (primitive brain) stimulates a higher response (higher brain). The reactive brain is an animal brain. It is not responsible for the higher levels of functioning. The responsive brain is a significantly higher functioning brain. It recruits the prefrontal cortex from the more fully developed prefrontal lobe of the cortex. This is the area of the higher functioning brain. When you respond to your reactions, you move from the animal brain to the higher levels of functionality. Unfortunately, you may not be aware of these differences at the time. Observing yourself helps. Recognizing when you are being reactive helps. Instead of advocating for your reactive brain by speaking on its behalf, honor the reason for its presentation. Be responsive, which means use the higher levels of processing to meet the conditions of the reaction. When you do this, you are advocating for the higher mind. Why is the reaction happening? Generally speaking, it is happening to get you to move consciously into your higher mind. What about specifically? What are you specifically to address with the higher mind? Once you perceive from the higher mind, you will know how to address whatever caused the trigger of the reaction. How long does it take you to move from reactive mind to responsive mind? That depends on how long you advocate for the reactive mind. If you justify your reactions, you are remaining in the reactive mind for a longer period of time. If you ruminate in the reaction, you are remaining in the reactive mind for a longer period of time. If you argue on behalf of the reactive mind, you are remaining in the reactive mind for a longer period of time. If you quickly concede to the fact that you have calls to answer that have nothing to do with the words that the reactive mind would like you to say on its behalf, you begin considering what those calls might be. The more quickly you enter into that quality of accountability and consideration, the shorter the reaction-response time. Obviously, the shorter the reaction-response time, the better. For people who suffer with neuroassociations that closely resemble PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder), decreasing reaction-response time becomes a most welcomed friend.
"Reading the Tea Leaves" - The practice of looking at the bigger picture from an entirely different perspective. You are not a fortune teller if you give yourself permission to read the tea leaves. You are simply giving yourself permission to see from a different perspective. Regarding your future, so many twists and turns lie ahead. The trojectory gives you a hint but no guarantees. Look at your past. Draw a straight line from your past to today. Extend that straight line into the future so that today is in the middle of your straight line connecting your past and your future. That's where you are going. That's not, however, what reading the tea leaves addresses. Reading the tea leaves is a practice of asking, "What does life say?" How do you know you are actually reading the tea leaves? You don't. You do what you can to gain a different perspective. If you are happening upon a new perspective, use that as a metaphor for reading the tea leaves. Make peace with not knowing things for sure. Great humility resides there. Great humility will help you be more open and curious. Whatever the tea leaves say, simply consider it. If you're getting new considerations, you are successful in reading the tea leaves.
"Recursive Knot Analogy" - The recipe for success that lies within the things we face. The more that we do not handle what is in front of us, the more convoluted becomes our recipe. Combine those understandings with the knowledge that things unresolved become lodged in our body. What is the result? We learn to co-exist with the unprocessed, unresolved aspects of ourselves. The most efficient way to address "convoluted energy" is one knot at a time. Think of a knot in a shoelace. Pull the wrong part of the shoelace and you make the knot worse. Only when you respect the complexity of the knot will you learn which part to grab first in order to release the knot. The "recursive knot" part of the name highlights two important points. The first point is that "recursions" imprison us. The "knot" highlights the second point, that we must address it (the recursive knot) using the right sequence. When we do, we liberate ourselves from our recursions.
"Relationship Polarities" - The acknowledgement that relationships require taking turns in order to thrive. To the exact degree that people in a relationship alternate between giving and receiving is the exact degree that they provide great housekeeping to their relationship. The house in this case is an analogy for the totality of the relationship. When people care well for the totality of their relationship, the relationship thrives. Being aware of the polarities within the relationship helps the people who make up the relationship play nicely with each other. Taking turns in both giving and receiving care is essential. Being both active and passive participants means that focus is properly on each other and the relationship. This game-changing concept becomes significantly stronger when the two people who make up the relationship concede that they organically produce a unique and highly dependent third energy. Recognizing that this third energy cannot consciously care for itself, playing nicely means that both parties distribute love, care, and attention to all three energies who live within the relationship. "A" represents the self, "B" the partner, and "C" stands for the relationship itself, the highly dependent, "cannot live on its own and care for itself" third energy.
"Resonant Mentoring" - Using energy for role modeling. Who do you admire? Who would you like to mentor you? Whoever that is, identify that person. Summon that archetype, the resonance of that person. That name, that person, that archetype, that resonance can influence you greatly if you simply call it in. Make certain you actually feel it in your body and in your energy field. Once you do, listen and behave in accordance to it. Keep that resonance actively alive within you and learn. Do that for as long as you would like your mentoring session to last. Resonant mentoring is a fascinating and fabulous practice. What would so-and-so do? Don't you ask your mind. Go into the resonance of that person, of that specific archetype, and find out. This practice has another angle. If you were to mentor somebody, what energy would you emit? What resonance would you like to put out for others? If you were a resonant mentor, what energy would they be calling in through your name, through your archetype? Work on being the kind of mentor you would like to be energetically.
"Response-Ability" - The ability to provide a conscious response. You have a responsibility to develop your response ability. Thriveapeutically, responding is conscious. Reacting is not. Give yourself permission to react, but respond to it as quickly as you can. Your response-ability relies on your higher mind, your higher levels of functionality. As you work on your response-ability, you become better and better at it. You can apply your response-ability during times when you use yourself as an exclusive reference point. You can consciously shift that reference point. Instead of keeping yourself at the center, you allow energies much higher than you to be at the center. Whether or not you are truly interested in seeing the bigger picture, you have a response-ability to do so.
"Responsible Interpretation" - Telling the story of the Most High. Why is something happening? What does something mean? If you were to exalt something, what would you say? One of the more interesting phenomena has to do with our relationship to something. What is your relationship to anything? You may never know. Your relationship to something gets drowned out by your relationship to your interpretation of that something. You cannot relate exclusively to something. No matter what you do, you are also relating to your interpretation of it. When you mature something up, for example, you are interpreting it with more mature eyes. When you tell a greater story, you are attributing a higher purpose. As you practice responsible interpretation, your newer, higher, product becomes what you are relating to in addition to whatever that something is. Since relating to your interpretation of something often occurs without your conscious awareness, tell the greatest story you can about it. Your responsible interpretation has a greater nutritional value for you. Interpretations can be very nourishing. They can also be extremely toxic. The deciding factor depends on how response-able you are being.
"Results-Oriented Listening (ROL)" - Listening beyond just listening. Beyond paroting what someone is saying, respond in kind. Simply repeating what someone is saying does not reflect understanding or comprehending. Trying to parade hearing off as listening can make someone feel not heard. Results-oriented listening defines what real listening entails. For context, the opposite is superficial listening. A scale exists between superficial listening and results-oriented listening. This means that results-oriented listening is gradient, improveable. What constitutes results-oriented listening? Results of course, hence the name. Are these results an exact match in compliance to what a person is saying or requesting? Most often, no. Results are usually things neither person saw coming. Results emerge. They are often new and their faces are usually and mysteriously unpredicitable until they reveal themselves. The easiest way to demonstrate results-oriented listening is by responding with action, where the response is notably different and a clear representation of what someone is saying or requesting. Of course, you cannot be required to agree with everything a person is saying or requesting. You can, however, demonstrate results that you are indeed listening.
"Retirement Party for the Recursion" - A ceremonious form of praising progress. Whenever we become liberated from the tyrannical control of our own habituations, we can celebrate gently. Having worked so long as a controloholic, when a recursion finally gives way and stops "working" it and decides it is time to rest, we can buy that recursion a retirement gift. It doesn't have to be a thing, but it can be. It doesn't have to be a party or a celebration, but it can be. It does need to be something that acts as positive reinforcement and encouragement for the future. Maybe the recursion doesn't stay in retirement. Maybe the recursion picks up a part-time job at some point. That is okay too. The gift, the celebration, the acknowledgement, they all represent a sarcastic lightness, a way of saying, "What a silly human I have been!" "This working tyrannical controloholic in me has definitely earned this retirement party."
"Reverse Healing" - Positive results that people and energies in your upline get to enjoy. Many calls that we have to answer did not originate within us. Many times, we inherit the challenges we face. We inherit them from a wide variety of sources. Family is the most common. Going beyond familial, we inherit energies from ancestral, tribal (spiritual family), religious, and communal influences. Even past lives could play a factor. Fascinatingly, if challenges we inherited were resolved before they got to us, we would not have inherited them. If we answer the calls and resolve them, we do not pass them on to others down the line, those who come after us. What happens, though, to those who went before us? Do they get to benefit in the rewards or do they miss out? If they are responsible for delegating these challenges to us, did they not do their part, especially if we were the ones meant to handle them properly? Of course they get the benefit. Whether thinking of it spiritually or energetically, reverse healing is a thing. When we do answer an inherited call like a boss, it does go backwards for others in our upline to enjoy. Maybe these angels in our field are smiling for a very good reason. Maybe we give them one of the greatest gifts along their spiritual journeys. So here's a toast to all of those who have gone before us and those who come after, "May the gift of answering the call (like a boss) be enjoyed by all who brought us to this point. Cheers."
"Right Action" - The physical expression of meeting the moment well or meeting the conditions well.
"Right Premise" - An idea whose time has come. Right premise is the jumping-off point that promotes right action. It comes from the Most High and is highly applicable and supportive in various situations. Wondrously, right premise gives rise to newer, perfectly-timed, emerging bursts of energy. These energies ripple a delightful resonance. The resonance gives birth to an entire packages of future ideas, strategies, and inspirations.
"Role Playing" - A game that highlights the many hats we wear and could wear. Like the Sorting Hat in Harry Potter, once you wear the hat, you experience what that archetype thinks and feels. You have many roles, many hats you wear. You can consider wearing other hats too and play those roles. You can wear any hat that life directs you to wear. Once you assess what hat life directs you to wear, put it on and play that role fully. Be that archetype completely and discover what you discover from being under that hat, from being under the influence of that hat, that role, that archetype. This is a wonderful and quite effective "game" for neuroplasticity, for initiating neurological expansion.
"Roll Call" - Packing archetypes for the journey and making sure you are properly packed. This is one of the best forms of preparation for something or someone you know you are going to face. Going through a check list of archetypes behaves like a roll call. Sovereign? Check. Zen Master? Check. Wisdom Source? Check. The list includes any archetype that would be helpful. Packing well beforehand provides you with a greater possibility that you will call upon the right archetype when you need it most later on. If something has been more persistently showing up for you during specific times, pack the best possible archetypes for addressing it. Make sure you pack it. Make sure you have it easily accessible in your human toolbox. Name it and call on it. When you do name it, pack it. Make sure you acknowledge the fact that you definitely do indeed have it packed. Check? Check.
"Sacred Inquiry" - A special type of consideration. The use of the word sacred conjures up a nice energy. Sacred rituals, sacred traditions, sacred practices, sacred ceremonies all carry a similar sacred energy. Maybe the word sacred has a special place in your life. If you were to adopt a sacred ritual, tradition, or practice, what would it be? What would you call it? What would you do? How often would you do it? How would you do it? What about it makes it sacred? Are you truly able to represent the sacredness of it? These and so many other sacred inquiries are worth your time and greatest attention. Begin adopting a sacred practice. Do it ritualistically and ceremoniously. Decide how often. Be sure to follow up as frequently as you decide to do so. Are you interested to see what this practice entails? Go ahead and "touch the sacred." What does that mean? This is quite an inquiry. By being in this inquiry, you will create quite the practice.
"Saging Solutions" - Eldering by living more consciously. Getting older happens automatically as long as you continue breathing. You can get older even if you live out your life like a zombie. Becoming an elder, however, occurs only through an ongoing conscious partcipation with life. Living life on life's terms means playing by life's rules. Of course, becoming an elder is also at the mercy of your awareness. As you grow in awareness, you have a greater opportunity to live more consciously. The elder archetype is a sage, a conscious individual who converts life experiences into wisdom. When a sage faces something, pristine solutions spontaneously emerge. This phenomenon comes organically as a gift for a life well lived. What would the sage do?
"Sanctifying Act" - One of many strategies that exalts something, someone, or some happening to the Most High. If sanctification could be crystallized down to a single act, what would that be? Would it be the recognition and concession that whatever showed up was absolutely perfect in both expression and timeliness? The Sanctification Seven goes into great detail regarding the fullness of sanctification. What is your sanctifying act? What constitutes an act? Knowing your sanctifying act and using it is a fabulous jumping-off point for addressing things well.
"Schedule Your Success" - Allocating specific days and times for specific activities that benefit you greatly. Devotion to specific practices requires diligence in scheduling and following up. Not surprisingly, following up occurs more frequently when you schedule specific activities at specific times of the day, week, month, and year.
"Seat Belt Law" - A self-imposed strategy that has you checking in before entering a situation. Mantras are very useful during times when things have a higher probability of becoming wonky. For a mantra to be of ultimate benefit, you have to use it. This is especially true just before entering a dynamic that can easily go off the rails. The seat belt law creates an imaginary scenario where you cannot leave your car to enter a meeting until you check in with your mantra. The law is that the seat belt won’t disengage and release you until you state your mantra. Once you "check in," you know that you are in the proper state of mind to face what you are going to face.
"Secondhand Jacket Analogy" - A concept that defers ownership. When you buy a secondhand jacket, it may come with some flaws. Because the jacket was not always yours, you may inherit some imperfections. Feeling responsible for the history of the jacket is a practice of over-personalizing. This jacket that is now in your care is analogous to the soul in your care. Instead of thinking you were always the owner of the jacket, of the soul in your care, remind yourself that your jacket, your soul has a history. It is not your history. Conceptually, your past life is not yours. It belongs to the soul in your care. As an anology, the secondhand jacket you are wearing throughout this lifetime does not really belong to you. You are, however, in charge of caring well for it.
"Serving the Unknown Face" - Caring well for mysterious variables for however long they present themselves. When you show up authentically, your uniqueness becomes obvious. Instead of compromising who you are, be authentic. Do what you were born to do. During the process, people will come to you, but not all people. The people who organically love who you are and what you do will reveal themselves to you. They prequalify themselves. Who they are may be unknown to you. Serve them well anyway. Serve them for as long as they prequalify themselves. Throughout your life, you are developing your craft. You are serving all of the unknown faces you have not met yet. By being true to yourself and being the best, authentic you that you could be, you discover along the way who you are. You are one of the unknown faces you are serving. You meet other unknown faces along the way. You then discover who you have been working for all of the time, one face at a time, as each face shows up.
"Silent Agreement" - An unspoken pact existing with little or no awareness of it. If we treat a person with whom we relate with disrespect, we often do so with a silent agreement. “You accept my disrespect and, in return, I stay in this relationship with you.” From the other person’s perspective, the silent agreement says, “If I accept this disrespect from you, you stay in this relationship with me.” The proper way to address a silent agreement is to expose it.
"Silly Human" - Calling yourself out lightly. Process is significantly more important than results. Process represents the quality you use for achieving your results. Your quality of life is intrinsically connected to the quality of your process. Being human, you do a lot of silly things. Some of the things you take very seriously. This highlights what a silly human you are. The fact is you can always improve. Having a strategy in place that allows you to improve while keeping it light becomes very helpful. When you catch yourself doing something that requires improving, the best chance at improving it is to begin lightly. Catch yourself lightly. The term, silly human, does just that. It allows you to make peace with being human while also giving you a chance to improve and to do so lightly, which helps tremendously. You are a silly human. Wear it proudly and improve. Feel free to toss out this term in relationship to others too. Calling another person a silly human allows you to be lighter in dealing with that person. This is true even if you are only thinking of that person.
"Situational Choice" - Decisions being made from the situations themselves. Sometimes people experience pressure in making a choice, especially when the choice has a lot of energy around it. When letting the situation dictate the choice, people relieve themselves of that burden. Quite often, people do not need to make the choice. When delegating the choice to the situation, the only thing left to do is to carry out the action steps with breath, something called breath steps. Taking breath steps holds a higher standard for taking action steps.
"Soul Age" - An unknown "number" that represents the degree a person expresses wisdom consciously. Commonly associated with the wisdom felt in the silence, this measurement uses an invisible numbering system to reflect how old (wise) or young (immature) a soul may be. Consider this age not being a finite number. Think of it, instead, as being on a numberless timeline. One side of the timeline reflects the degree of being a young or immature soul. The other side of the timeline signifies the degree of being an old, wise, and mature soul. Some parents early on in being with their baby can perceive a sense that their chronologically younger child is somehow wiser than they are. Some children can feel older than their parents. Children who get frustrated at being older in soul age than their parents are quite often fooling themselves. Their frustration, in fact, exposes a certain degree of immaturity. Do not be quick to assume that you are older in soul age than one or both of your parents. If you truly are an older soul, use that wisdom, that leverage, to connect more effectively, more peacefully, with more acceptance and contentment. Do not be arrogant or condescending. Be more mature, whatever that is. Aim as high as you can, come from the highest degee of love and respect that you can for all soul ages, and learn how to take yourself up a notch or two.
"Soul Piece" - A character trait that indicates the need for high quality attention. Many people think of a soul piece as a challenge. After closer examination, however, you can see the true purpose of a soul piece. Each soul piece presents an opportunity to promote growth. We can clearly recognize the more emotionally disturbing soul pieces. Many of these notable ones reoccur until meeting a specific, needed change, which can often be resolved through responsible interpretation. Anytime we access intense feelings such as frustration, resentment, jealousy, or anger, we can consider it to be a soul piece requesting higher quality storytelling.
"Space-Based Living" - The ultimate and most fundamental brain-based strategy. In working to enhance neuroplasticity, people can explore various types of brain-based practices. One of the most effective strategies for enhancing brain function is stopping. Stopping allows the brain to reset. It's like a cleanse that clears noise from within. Meditation is a form of stopping. Making room for growth, putting space into things, letting things breathe are all fabulous brain-based strategies. Not all brain-based strategies, however, include stopping or putting more space and breathing room into play. But all space-based strategies are brain-based strategies. Put more space and breath into a situation and you more often than not help that situation. The entire process of space-based living offers a much better quality of life. Rather than being in some kind of charged, frenetic go mode, consider adopting the notion of space-based living.
"Space-Over Effect" - The conscious delivery of space onto an area requesting it. Getting its name from the spillover effect in thriveapeutics, the space-over effect provides a way for us to address an area that needs space. The area is usually dense, heavy, or intense. All dense, heavy, and intense areas have an affinity for more space. You can introduce space onto an area by summoning the resonance of space and directing it over the area. Gently presenting an area with space allows that area to expand into that space. This is a form of clearing that ushers the density, heaviness, or intensity to scatter outwardly. Hovering space at a good distance over a dense, heavy, or intense area allows the space-over effect to do its magic. Sometimes, you can simply direct space between you and a dense area. That works as well. Anytime you consciously direct space toward an area of density, you give it more breathing room.
"Spill-Over Effect" - Putting specific attention onto an area that behaves as a receptor site. When you focus on an area that is working optimally and meet it optimally, you give that area extra-special attention. As good energy builds up in that area, it spills over onto neighboring areas. You can even direct that energy toward specific areas. Usually nearby areas not functioning as well will have a natural affinity for the spillover effect. Although often used with bodywork, the spillover effect performs well in other areas of life too.
"Spiritual Contracts" - The bonds of integrity that represent who you are and what you are capable of doing. When you came into this world, you were not alone. You came in with a spiritual contract. Did you have a choice? If you did, you said, "YES!" You didn't say yes to the details. Contrary to popular beliefs, you didn't "choose" your parents. You did, however, say, "YES!" You didn't choose any of the calls you have to answer. You simply said, "YES." The details were never a factor. You accepted the terms of the agreement without knowing them. Now, you get to discover them, one breath at a time. Life needed you. You answered the call by saying, "YES." Remember that!
"Spiritual Inheritence" - Terms of your spiritual contract that were handed down to you. You inherited certain guarantees. These include, "You are not alone," "You have a large team of angels watching over you," "You are part of a great wisdom," "You will always be allowed to grow," "Awareness, wisdom, and love are infinite," "Everything is going to be all right," "Everything is all right," and many others. Regarding the specifics of your spiritual inheritence, look closely at things that have been handed down to you. These "things" come from many areas, including family, ancestry, community, past lives, and more. Angels and energies can also hand things down to you. Other "things" you inherit include the things unresolved in your field. Like everything in your spiritual contract, these "things" are revealed to you. Many of them take time to resolve. You will only resolve a fraction of them. The others, you will hand down.
"Splitting of the I" - The practice of calling upon different aspects of you. Instead of being just one "I," consider giving yourself permission to acknowledge the many "I's" that live within you, that live within your one "I." Working with archetypes encourages the "splitting of the I," the acknowledgement that, at any moment, whoever you are is just one version of you, a torchbearer, the current version of you. Although referencing yourself as being merely "a version of you" may seem extraneous, it provides a greater perspective. The splitting of the "I" encourages "you" (the current version of you) to delegate to a more suitable version of you, someone who lives inside of you and who will do whatever you're facing better.
"Sprinkling Pixie Dust' - An imaginary representation for distributing specific frequencies. The pixie dust can transmit a wide range of frequencies. Sprinkling is like a light drizzle. Think of sparkling stardust, a seemingly ethereal substance made of light that annoints all it touches. What is the frequency? That depends. What resonance would you like to sprinkle? You have a lot of options. You can sprinkle the sacred, breath, space, the nothingness, all is well, or a lot of other energies and specific frequencies. Where do you choose to sprinkle this pixie dust? Once you know the proper and best vibration that you choose to sprinkle and you know where to sprinkle it, the rest is left up to your visualization.
"Spotting" - Someone who observes and offers different perspectives. Spotters see blindspots that others do not organically see for themselves. Spotting involves assessing and addressing things not in a person's field of vision or field of awareness. Spotting requires the spotter to make some higher "offerings" for consideration. By spotting, the spotter brings a higher resonance to each interaction.
"Stillness Spacer" - Inserting a unique form of nothingness, stopping, and emptiness. As a spacer, stillness provides a quiet pause, a resting place for silence to be. Inserting a stillness spacer onto something or in the direction of something presents a unique influence, the marriage of stillness and space.
"Strand" - The center-most core of any being. The strand is a sacred place inside the body where creation emerges. Energies ripple outward from the strand. Delicate in its design, the strand represents the place where energies become physical expressions. As a channel for life, the strand is open to serve whatever is needed to be born into the world.
"Super-Insanity Cycle" - Taking turns with 1) doing something poorly and 2) not doing that something at all. Insanity has been defined as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. People who find themselves in the middle of an insanity cycle come to their senses at some point and take a much-needed break. After a long enough break, they start back up again but not differently. They go back to the same old insanity cycle. This rhythm between insanity cycle and stopping and repeating that oscillation is the super-insanity cycle. The antidote to the super-insanity cycle is something different. Whatever you were doing poorly, do it in a brand new way, with a brand new you. That newness is affectionately called "The Third Option." The third option adds a new variable and, therefore, replaces the super-insanity cycle. Fortunately, you have an unlimited amount of third options available to you.
"Supportive Question" - A question that only results in a supportive answer. You have an unlimited amount of supportive questions available to you. Examples include, "How is this supporting me?" "What is wisdom saying to me to make me a better person?" "What version of me would do this job like a boss?" "What question would be a great supportive question?" Play with this resource. Take the example, "How can I do this better?" Implicit in the question is the fact that you could do it better. The mere asking of a supportive question helps you access your inner wisdom in order to answer it.
"Sweet Sovereign Spirit" - The tender, unique, authenticity inside an individual. With originality comes quite a cost. Living an "extraordinary life" can be quite lonely. Being true to yourself can feel isolating. What can we do about it? Be tender to each "sweet sovereign spirit." Know that walking the path of life as an original comes with many difficulties. Feeling alone, different, and crazy are just a few that represent some of the challenges. For someone who is walking the earth as a unicorn, be gentle. See the "sweet sovereign spirit." Say it to yourself. Become more supportive, understanding, and compassionate just by being more gentle and tender. Maybe as you are reading this you are able to recognize yourself as a sweet sovereign spirit. Maybe you are thinking of someone else. Either way, be more gentle. Maybe you can now see even more clearly the cost unicorns pay each and every day for being who they are.
"Swirl" - Unimpeded energy. What does it feel like to be fully liberated and totally free? Light? Airy? Swirlful? Swirl seems to capture a sense that goes beyond description. Imagine a bunch of pinwheels positioned in every possible way imaginable. Imagine all of those pinwheels spinning fully, freely, without wind or anything else. It is so swirlful. Feel how light it feels to be with swirl. No density, no heaviness whatsoever, just swirl. Now imagine yourself to be a living, breathing swirlometer. The more you are in the presence of the infinite, the more swirlful you feel. The more you are in the presence of density or heaviness, the less swirl you feel. Check in with your swirlometer as often as you like. Check for swirl in relationship to anything you would like to assess. How swirlful is it? Your swirlometer is a great friend. Use it, trust it, and move with it. Allow swirl to be your guide.
"Symptoms of Emergence" - Organic manifestations that result from a growth spurt. What does it feel like for the caterpillar becoming a butterfly? The chrysalis is a protective covering that represents that a transformative process is actively taking place. While onlookers can appreciate the beauty of metamorphosis, things are breaking down for the caterpillar, as its new life emerges. Do you think it feels like bliss? Perhaps the feeling is not really describable. Maybe it just feels like a lot. Maybe it feels so uncomfortably unfamiliar. Grace for humans, therefore, may very well be the recognition that sysmptoms of emergence may feel intense. They may not feel graceful. Grace, therefore, may come simply by accepting it. Feeling a lot, like it or not, no matter what, may just be a symptom of emergence. Who in our great big world is trained to acknowledge that? No one? Really!? Isn't that interesting?
"Synchronicity is Present" - A statement of unconditional oneness with everything. When you are more awake and aware, you can more easily see, feel, and acknowledge synchronicity. If you are not as awake and aware, is synchronicity present anyway? When something happens that highlights the fact that synchronicity is present, go ahead and acknowledge it. When things are happening that feel chaotic, remind yourself that "synchronicity is present." It's unconditional.
"Talent Scout" - The degree of being a good judge of character. When you enter into a relationship, do you take full responsibility if that relationship goes sour? Investing in people is like investing in anything else. Many people who struggle finding good partners need to admit that they have to develop their ability to be a great talent scout, a great judge of character. Invest in people but learn from your past experiences. Who has been a good investment? What qualities do people demonstrate that help you feel confident to invest in them? Not sure? Be actively in that inquiry. Learn who to invest in and who to stay away from. Be a really good talent scout. The ability to invest wisely is totally on you, not on the person with whom you have invested.
"Talking Myself Off of the Ledge of My Own Creation" - Getting yourself worked up and calming yourself down. When you are able to regain your composure, you feel a sense of accomplishment. You definitely did something great. Point it out. Leaving it there, however, is simply not good enough. Although talking yourself off of a ledge is noteworthy, not putting yourself on the ledge in the first place will take your progress up a notch or two. When you admit that you talked yourself off of the ledge of your creation, you are actually acknowledging the importance of not putting yourself on the ledge in the first place. Many of the challenges you face are fueled within yourself. Acknowledging that you are doing so gives you a much better chance to transcend it. Plus, saying that statement adds an element of lightness. It makes the whole dynamic even funnier. You actually give yourself permission to laugh at yourself, you silly, silly human. That lightness will do wonders in keeping you off of some ledges in the future.
"Tapping the Juice" - Accessing that which energizes. The law of diminsihing effects has things going flat. Tapping the juice keeps things fresh and alive. How do you tap the juice? You begin by asking, "What is the juice?" What gets you motivated to be at your best? That's your juice. Learning new things and applying them are juiced. Discovering what works for you and why brings the juice. Give yourself permission to be inspired by seemingly good situations (positive motivation) and bad situations (negative motivation). Be in awe at your ability to make a positive shift. Watch yourself during times when you do not believe in your ability to make a positive shift. Usher in the new. Newness is juiced. Be new. Be excited about your newness untapped. Find out what unknown versions of you would like to emerge and tap that juice. Where's your passion? Where's that light in your eyes? Which version of you organically displays that passion and that light? Let your emerging newness see the light of day. Pass your baton onto the mystery and be excited to discover who you will be.
"Taxi-Cab Analogy" - A metaphor to inspire having a clear destination in mind. You get into a taxi and the driver asks, "Where to?" You state your destination and you're on your way. If you say, "Anywhere but here," the driver will not know where to go and what to do. This analogy describes the importance of having a moving-toward intention, as opposed to a moving-away intention. Move toward what you want. What is it? More peace? More inspiration? More hope? More Awareness? Life behaves like a taxi driver. Saying, "I want to be out of pain," "I want to break out of my routine," or "I want to be rid of this funk I am in," are all moving-away intentions. Not only are they problem focused but they do nothing to bring you closer to you desired goal. Provide clear, inspiring, moving-toward intentions to the invisible taxi driver and allow the invisible taxi to get you there.
"TBR (To Be Revealed)" - The practice of letting things unfold in their time, allowing the metaphorical dust to settle to see more clearly. Life is the ultimate equalizer. It has a self-regulating function that maintains things in proper balance and proportions. Do you trust that? Without acknowledging that unconditional functionality, silly humans take up many battles. Who is going to win one of these battles? TBR. Will the winner remain the winner? TBR. Who is going to behave arrogantly? TBR. Who is going to take a humble stance? TBR. What's going to happen? TBR. As parts of TBR are actually revealed, those parts become WBR (What's Been Revealed). WBR regarding your current status? WBR regarding your biases? Beyond knowing that you must have biases, are you aware of what your actual biases are? WBR regarding who is telling the truth? Tough to know, made even tougher because of biases. WBR regarding who you can trust? Tough to know, made even tougher because of biases. Who are you? TBR but the person in the mirror may know better than I do. What calls do you have to answer? TBR unless of course it's WBR, in which case, answer them already. How quickly will you answer your next call? TBR. How many times will you have to repeat a process until it is fully resolved? TBR. How committed are you to bettering yourself? TBR. What kind of positive impact can you have? TBR. For all of the things you do not know right now, for all that is yet "to be revealed," follow the obvious. Not sure what that is? Then it's not obvious. When will the obvious reveal itself? TBR. The point of these examples is to highlight specific calls we all have to answer to let life balance things out. Life will handle every so-called problem. When will you come to trust in life so much that you stop fighting with its wisdom, that you cooperate with its wisdom? TBR?
"Telescoping Arc" - The practice of keeping things out of your field. Imagine youself projecting an invisible antenna from above the top of your head to whatever needs to be assessed. Allow this antenna to be a telescoping arc, meaning it comes out from above you and arcs upwardly before landing somewehere around its target. The purpose of this practice is to allow the end of this arc to do all of the assessing. It can then simply report the information back to you without you having the take on the resonance of the information. When all assessing is away from you toward the target, you keep your field, the area closest to you, cleaner and freer of that energy.
"Thread" - The analogy that conveys the fragility of life. Look to the thread, that thin, barely physical, light connection you have to the physical world. This thread carries the timeline that lives deep within you and has always been with you. This light thread carries you. It transports you throughout your journey, connecting your past to your future. You are here, hanging on by this thread. What a beautiful concession and exquisite design. You can do so much and wield so much simply by acknowledging that your life and all of the things in your life are as fragile as a thread.
"Three C's" - A recipe for consciously living an extraordinary life. The first "C," is the word "see." This represents seeing people and things in their highest light. "See them as they really are, not as you see them." The other two C's actually start with the letter C. They are Concede and Cultivate. Concede is giving way to an acknowledgement. Letting the concession flow through you, not around you. Cultivate is an active form of nuturing something for its continued growth. It's answering the call and doing what is necessary to support its continued development, betterness, and expansion.
"Three Camps Solution" - Going outside the duality box to find other solutions. One team represents one camp. When two teams compete with each other, they play out the game. One team wins. The other team loses. As with all games, "It doesn't matter if you win or lose, it's how you play the game." Good sportsmanship involves being a good winner and a good loser. If your team wins, be a good winner. If your team loses, be a good loser. Independent of winning or losing, play by the rules. Do not cheat. That means do not lie or be deceptive. Applying this understanding to politics, for example, can be difficult. Culturally, we have come to accept lying as being part of the rules. So what is the third camp politically? If one team represents 50 percent of the game and the other team represents the other 50 percent, no other camps exist. Right? Wrong. One camp makes up 25 percent. The other camp also makes up 25 percent. Where is the other 50 percent then? 50 percent is in the camp that doesn't play at all. That's the third camp. 50 percent plays the game and 50 percent doesn't. Why have the three camps solution? Not everything can be addressed well simply by playing the game. Sometimes, better solutions are outside of the game itself. When that is the case, not relying on the game is right play. For example, not all solutions are achieved through political means. What is the best solution? Is it inside or outside the game? Politically, a game will continue to be played between left and right. The importance to look for solutions that are outside of the political game is paramount. When going into that third camp, solutions appear that will not arise inside of any of those other two camps.
"Torchbearer" - The current version of you that is actively up and seeing the light of day. Many versions of you exist. Each version has a different cortical map in the brain. Each cortical map has a unique rhythmic signature, energy, and resonance. Your brain is always adapting, rewiring, and acclimating. At any point in time, you have a current cortical map. That repesents your current brain state. That right-now version of you is simply a torchbearer. At various points in time, the torchbearer will pass the torch onto another version of you. That version will then be the torchbearer. Playing with archetypes helps the torchbearer pass it more consciously, to the best version of you. The best version handles whatever you are facing inspiringly well. Not sure what version that is? Pass the torch to the version of you who does know. Still not sure? Pass the torch to a version of you who has greater awareness, a version who can see outside of the eyes with which you usually see. If this all seems so cryptic, play with it and see if you begin to understand.
"Triangulating Relationship" - Getting in the middle of a "he said, she said" dynamic. As a standard for relating well, avoid triangulations, especially when they mimic gossipping, talking behind someone's back, or just being mean or judgemental. When someone is attempting to enter you into a triangulation, offer that he or she take it up with the other person. If that offering is rejected or is inappropriate, carefully be an advocate for the missing party. Sanctify that person's process. Express that he or she has an integrity, that his or her process is obviously necessary, and leave it alone. This is the high road and one that is necessary for you to take if you are interested in being the solution.
"Unconditional Entanglement" - Our unbreakable oneness with everything. Conceptually, we are all one. We are all connected to the same wisdom source. The glue that holds everything together, including ourselves, is responsible for our oneness. Entanglement is an unconditional phenomenon. We may not see or experience our unconditional entanglement most times, but knowing that a connection exists provides clarity.
"Unconditional Welcoming" - The pristine acceptance of receiving people, things, and situations with the highest "I got this!" attitude. Functioning optimally requires a sincere, clean, and confident bring-it-on attitude. If you unconditionally welcome the cards you are currently being dealt, you will play your hand better than if you have a negative relationship to it. As an essential part of sanctification, Unconditional Welcoming honors the wisdom in whatever is being revealed.
"Unifying Goodness Archetype" - A model for enjoying the greatest personal immunity available. Wearing the armor of goodness offers the highest level of protection from all other energies. Being kind requires a deep devotion to goodness. Given all of the archetypes we can summon, access, and play with, which one offers the most security? It is one that unifies them all under the same, most protective umbrella. Goodness is that unifying umbrella. With pure goodness, nothing can touch your spirit. The Unifying Goodness Archetype calls forth our soundness, wholeness, and purity of spirit. It calls for, "All that is Good." All else fades away. This is how this pure, unifying, goodness archetype provides pristine protection.
"Validation is Not Corroboration" - The practice of affirming someone's experience unconditionally. When you corroborate something, it matches your experience. Think of corroboration as conditional. Validation, on the other hand, needs to be unconditional always. If someone is color blind, are you going to invalidate what they see? You may not see what they see but they sure do see it. Although you cannot corroborate it, you can validate it. Never invalidate someone's experience simply because you cannot corroborate it.
"Values Choice" - A decision made on principles that have merit and personal worth. Values run deep. In declaring your values, some are higher than others. Do you value safety over kindness? Do you value peace over passion? These are very personalized questions. When you make values choices, you can feel good about the consequences, even those that reveal themselves later. As your awareness grows, you become clearer about your values, about what matters more to you.
"Victim-Survivor-Thriver Scale" - The degree that someone is thriving. Consider the sentiment, "I'm not a victim, I'm a survivor." Consider the next level, "I'm not a survivor, I'm a thriver." Where are you on that scale? Are you more on the left side of the scale, on the victim end? Are you somewhere in the middle, in the survivor range? Are you on the right side of the scale, on the thriver end? Regardless of where you are on that scale, focus on being more of a thriver.
"Visit From an Old Friend" - A reoccurrence of a past experience. When you hit a new point of clarity, awareness, or mastery, the assumption is that it is for all time. Integration, however, doesn't work that way. You oscillate between your newer, more highly functioning self and your past self. As time goes on, you see that past self less and less. At some point, you can become surprised to get "a visit from that old friend." Each visit, independent of its frequency and intensity, is part of the integrative process. As you come to understand this phenomenon and welcome these reappearances, you actually appreciate these visits, so much so that the two of you are indeed old friends.
"Wake-Up Calls" - Happenings requesting your conscious attention. Feedback from life are often wake-up calls. They alert you of certain deficiencies. Dry mouth, for example, is a common wake-up call and deficiency, signaling the need for water. Wake-up calls are simply alarms that go off telling you that you have specific calls to answer and that you have to pay closer attention to assess and address them.
"We Talk" - Using "we," "us," and "our," as well as "they," "their," and "them," in conversation. This is a strategy that moves the reference point away from the individual (using "I," "me," "mine," and "my"). "We" is simply a great, more encompassing focal point or reference point.
"What Am I to Give to This New Day" - An inquiry for showing up. What is the best way to meet a new day? Being new of course. This inquiry is in response to "The Lord's Prayer," which states, "Give us this day." Upon closer examination, if you can ask for "this day," the day was already given to you. A demanding child is more likely to give that kind of order, "Give me! Give me! Give me!" Spiritually, a humble child would ask softly, "What am I to give to this new day?" That question becomes of higher importance when you realize that the day was given to you. Wisdom asks, "Why?" What is that reason? You have something new to bring into this day. What is it? Why are you here on this new day? What are you to give to this new day? Only "new you" can answer. Only "emerging you" knows.
"What Would Love Do Now?" - One of the most beloved inquiries. This question brings you closer to the archetype of love in order to answer it. Being a channel of love or a channel for love is a highly supportive use of time. This inquiry provides clarity. When being more loving is a call to answer, be in this inquiry. In being an advocate for love, rather than maintaining your current position, you learn how to go beyond and be inspiringly supportive. "What Would Love Do Now?" helps you see through the eyes of love.
"Whatever is True Passes Right Through" - An understanding for knowing when something is right. When something does not pass through, it is heavier and get lodged in the body. You feel it. When something is true, it is pure light. Swirl, for example, represents things are passing right through. Energy fields clear when things are passing right through. You get to enjoy more clarity when you are in the presence of things passing right through. "What you resist persists" is an example of the exact opposite. The persistence means it hangs around until you mature it up, also known as "telling a greater story." The practice of "responsible interpretation" addresses some form of heaviness by seeing it honestly, more accurately, higher, and "true." That's how you resolve unresolved energies that persist. Unconditional welcoming and sanctification help. By seeing things "true," not just seeing them, but interpreting them accurately, of the most high, they move on. They do not hang around waiting for you to get it right. By seeing things poorly, they remain dense and with you. When you are in alignment with the most true, things pass though. You become a pure channel or empty vessel who promotes swirl. In other words, you become an alchemist who converts densities into light.
"Whisper of Positivity" - Being a subtle influence. Since the most integrative improvements are incremental, being a whisper of positivity is often more supportive than being a "force of positivity." Being a "force of nature," for example, may wake people up, but being a "whisper of positivity" may be more integrative. Being a "force" may not work as well in areas where the "whisper" will do.
"Who-Do List" - The archetype's to-do list. Your inner delegator will help you get things done like a boss. After completing your to-do list, whether on paper or just in your mind, pass the torch to your inner delegator. Start outsourcing your jobs to the best archetypes for handling them. Use this strategy! Distribute each item on your to-do list to a specific archetype. This practice puts you in the proper mindset for success in both quality and efficiency.
"Wielding Pristine Power" - Mastery of the highest energies for the highest good. In working with archetypes, concepts, and more, you develop quite a proficiency regarding when to use what energies in support of the ever-evolving most high.
"Wiggle Room" - The degree of negotiability. Playing within the wiggle room is accepting life on life's terms. The wiggle room represents many variables. Most notably, how negotiable is something? Is the wiggle room even negotiable? Can it become greater or more negotiable? Playing within the wiggle room acknowledges the boundaries, the edges, the degree of negotiability. Staying within the integrity of a specific structure helps discover real solutions that last. The wiggle room holds the key to what is possible. When thinking about what someone is capable of doing, the wiggle room answers the question. Consider the question, "What can you do, that you don't do, that you will organically do, just by choosing to do it?" On paper, the answer appears to be "almost anything." When you pay attention to the wiggle room, you discover that "almost anything" gets really small and falls into the category of "only a few things." The wiggle room always expresses integrity. This means that the timing of something is under the expression of that integrity. Working cooperatively with the integrity of the wiggle room will help you become more honest with readiness. This means that you are less demanding that the time is now simply because you said so. We all have to discover our unique recipes for success and work cooperatively with those recipes. Working within the wiggle room will help you be far more successful in finding and honoring your recipes for success than simply thinking that the time is right for something simply because you are thinking of it. It may be the right time to start something. The wiggle room, however, represents the integrity of the process, the time it takes to integrate it fully.
"Wild Horses" - A metaphor for life. Regarding timing and integrity, the term "wild horses" helps us honor the wisdom in things. If the time is right, wild horses cannot stop something from happening. If the time isn't right, wild horses cannot make it happen. Timing and integrity are intrinsically linked. The integrity is in the timing and vice versa. If integrity is in the seed, the seed will grow within its integrity, its timing. The same for all things, people and otherwise. Wild horses, as a phrase, helps you be a student of that integrity and timing. Instead of foolishly trying to manipulate an outcome, practice going-with-it-ness as a sincere demonstration of honoring the integrity and the timing of specific processes.
"Wisdom Source" - The ultimate archetype for accessing wisdom. When you are with the wisdom source, you somehow know the answers to questions you want to ask even before asking them. If you are not experiencing that profound kind of phenomenon, you are not in the presence of the wisdom source. Tune in. Make certain that whatever representation you use as an archetype for the wisdom source is pure. Consider calling in somebody who loved you who has passed away. Consider them here with you, in front of you, to provide you comfort and answer any and all questions you may have. Consider them having all of the answers, especially since they are on the other side. Now go ahead and communicate with them. If you are truly in the state that fully accepts that you are indeed having a conversation with someone pristinely representing the wisdom source, you will immediately have access to many answers you seek.
"Yelling at the Seed" - An analogy that represents a temper tantrum someone expresses when the integrity of a growth process is not happening fast enough. Similar to "kicking and screaming all the way to paradise," yelling at the seed to "GROW!" is both foolish and counterproductive. The integrity is what the integrity is. You cannot speed up the integrity, but you sure can slow it down. Like jumping on a broken ankle, you can prolong the healing process but you cannot speed it up. The key is to allow things to happen as quickly as its integrity will allow.
"You Only Need One" - A statement that reflects the effectiveness of a single concept. This concept applies to all of the concepts that are available. It keeps things in proper perspective and encourages integration. Perhaps the most attractive concept among all of these concepts is the fact that you do not need to find support in all of them. "You only need one." Consider the following: You only need one concept if it provides amazing benefits for you.
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Quotes - Book of statements that transmits the resonance of thriveapeutics as a whole.
Video - Conversation with Dr. Marc Senecal discussing thriveapeutic concepts.
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