Speed and accuracy are closely related. Grabbing your keys and selecting the right one can be done relatively quickly. Getting the key in the lock, however, requires you to slow down. If you move too fast, you will have a very difficult time getting the key into the lock and will look rather silly trying. As you approach the lock with your key, you automatically slow down for greater accuracy. Deliberate movements work the same way.
Moving consciously requires slowing down. Moving on automatic pilot, however, requires nothing extra. You do not need to be conscious at all when moving habitually. Most of our movements, sadly, are actually habituations. Deliberate Movements, therefore, add a nice element to the "mundane act" of moving. It is actually an excellent practice for becoming more conscious, awake, and aware.
If you have ever stubbed your toe or ran into something, you have had a firsthand experience of the pitfalls of moving on automatic pilot. Deliberate movements, on the other hand, will transcend what you normally do. Being more conscious requires the recruitment of the higher mind, which is the embodiment of being more present.
Practical Integration is a great example of Deliberate Movements. The intention is to move in such a way that your movements maintain a greater state of awareness that you are currently enjoying. You do not let your automatic movements interfere with your greater awareness. Again, the key to deliberate movements is speed. The faster you move, the more you automatically recruit your habituated mind, which is the more reactive version of you, the one that relies on your animal or primitive mind. The more deliberate you move, however, the more you recruit your higher mind, the prefrontal cortex, the one that is more present and, therefore, not running on automatic pilot.
As a conscious practice, deliberate movements cause you to show up in newer, more sophisticated ways. These specific, coordinated movements demand your higher attention, which is what makes your movements so highly beneficial. Simply think of Deliberate Movements as conscious, coordinated movements.
One of the best usages of Deliberate Movements has to do with archetypes. In fact, Deliberate Movements are astronomically supportive for working with archetypes. To move in a way that correlates to a specific archetype has you being in the inquiry regarding what that means. It also has you embodying the archetype, expressing it through your "body language," the way you move. Practice Deliberate Movements anytime you would like to enjoy a greater result in working with archetypes.
Spacious Fluidity of Movements (SFM) ... Practical Integration ... Neuro-Meditative Dance (NMD)
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