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Energy can be either toxic, meaning overwhelming, or supportive, meaning nutritious. This entire body of work within Thriveapeutics focuses on being neurologically nutritious, meaning energetically nutritious so that presence, words, and touch all enhance functionality. The term, neurological nutrition, holds higher standards for being. If you are toxic in presence (blue), words (red), or touch (yellow), you will compromise function, meaning your influence will be more overwhelming and suboptimal, meaning not optimal.

If, however, you are neurologically nutritious in your presence, words, and touch, your influence will be positive, meaning you will be enhancing function, which means you will be supporting optimal functioning. Note, however, that optimal functionality is different from person to person based on the integrity of a person's process. Being conscious of neurological nutrition helps us be the best versions of ourselves. More importantly, it helps us present the best versions of ourselves to meet the conditions contained within each unique situation.

Focusing on neurological nutrition remains an important point of focus in Thriveapeutics. Being more neurologically nutritious means you are more nutritious energetically for yourself as well as others. If you are a channel of neurological nutrition, you reap the benefits. Your ripple, the waves coming out of you, through you, help you be neurologically nutritious for others as well, whoever is in close close proximity or interacting with you. (Video about Neurological Nutrition)

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