Dr. Michael earned his degree in 1993 as a chiropractor. Within a few months of opening his practice, he quickly began developing Catalyst, which grew out of his clinical experience. After years of teaching Catalyst to a large number of chiropractors and chiropractic students, he developed NSI, Neuro-Spinal Integration, specifically for practicing chiropractors as a way to give back to the profession.
As an adjunct professor at Life University, he was able to teach this technique at Life's continuing education program. He translated many of the strategies and approaches for the practicing chiropractor, emphasizing the connection between the nervous system (neuro) and skeletal system (spine). The entire technique is more of a modifier than it is a classic chiropractic technique in that the focus is on the "neurological nutrition" of the adjustment.
Spinal Hook-Ups are entry points into the nervous system via the spine where chiropractors introduce these modifiers. By assessing and addressing the tensegrity of the body, chiropractors enhance tone through their adjustments. The NSI modifiers help in this regard. Check out Life University's Fall CE website here to see the schedule and register.
A video by Deepak Chopra, MD, talking about the miraculous human body, is available here.