Greaterness Coaching is by far the most effective way to learn personally how to apply the work. First and foremost, Greaterness Coaching is not an alternative to any type of conventional care, especially medical or psychiatric care. Individuals who choose to explore this work as an alternative to receiving any type of care—medical, psychiatric, or otherwise—are misusing this resource and can do themselves harm. Every individual maintains full responsibility to direct himself or herself to the proper medical and psychiatric professionals promptly. Never confuse the uniqueness of education you receive from exploring Greaterness Coaching with satisfying the responsibilities you have to yourself for receiving proper medical and psychiatric attention. This little blurb is not just a legal disclaimer. It is an essential understanding that never becomes obsolete and one that will help you through life.
The entire world of Thriveapeutics is based on thriving. This is true regardless of your current state of being. If you need to go to the emergency room, go. Thriving represents running on all cylinders. When you are thriving, you are thinking clearly. Since this work does not and cannot address medical or psychological conditions of any kind, the responsibility remains on you to understand fully the limitations of Thriveapeutics. Legally, only properly licensed medical and psychological professionals can diagnose and treat people for medical and psychological conditions. The purpose of Greaterness Coaching as a branch of Thriveapeutics is to help people thrive independent of their state of health. This is like a Terms of Agreement. People who choose to explore Greaterness Coaching must always keep in mind its limitations, especially as it relates to the medical and psychological fields.
Greaterness Coaching will provide you with many new tools for you to use as you see fit. As a creative resource, it is separate and distinct from other professions. It is especially different from Life Coaching. Greaterness Coaching is about educating people regarding these specific creative and unique tools. Greaterness Coaching breaks it down for you. It offers you new ways of seeing and addressing things. If, after reading about all of these differences and limitations, you have a strong desire to investigate this unique approach for yourself, you have options. You can explore the official Greaterness Coaching website. If you know that you are ready to get started with scheduling a Greaterness Coaching session, get the ball rolling by clicking on the Get Started link.
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