Welcome to The Human Toolbox, an open forum for developing proficiency in regards to energy. This is an experiential learning environment. The Human Toolbox supports easier retrieval of various energies when doing so would be highly beneficial.
Each energy has a specific rhythmic signature. We can give each unique energy a different name. This happens organically by working with archetypes. Attributing names to specific energies encourages a deeper understanding of each energy. This means we can develop a greater relationship to each specific energy and archetype. This is incredibly supportive and provides us with easier access to specific energies.
Neurologically, each archetype we call upon, interact with, relate to, channel, etc... rewires the brain differently. In fact, the cortical map of the brain constantly correlates to the exact archetype we are accessing, expressing, and entertaining. Even when we are not calling on an archetype, the cortical map in the brain always represents the specific version of us that is currently up, expressing itself.
Each brain state we express acts as an archetype, which is directly responsible for what we are experiencing and expressing, perceiving and being. This is true whether we are being reactive or responsive. If we are being reactive with no thought of an archetype, we are then running on automatic pilot. If we are being responsive, however, we are being more conscious, meaning that we are existing from a higher place.
Any archetype that is up is present. Each archetype, therefore, can function like a tool or an instrument. Obviously, we want to use the best tool for addressing whatever we are facing. Adding tools to our toolbox as needed ensures that we're packing well ... to face whatever life throws at us, whatever presents.
The Human Toolbox holds an unlimited amount of archetypes for us to call upon and use as needed, when needed. This forum will help us pack well with our Human Toolbox. With each tool we accept, we can begin wielding it. As with everything, the more we call upon a specific archetype, the better we will become at using it, at wielding it like a boss.
Working with archetypes places focus on the version of us that is facing what we are facing. I cannot emphasize enough what a monumental benefit that is. Having various working achetypes at hand is far, far greater and significantly more beneficial than not having them. Period.
Please note. We can always address whatever we are facing as the version of us on automatic pilot. Delegating to a significantly more competent archetype than our current self is perhaps the most important variable for us to address initially. If we are even remotely interested in handling things like a boss, working with archetypes and delegating well are invaluable practices.
Now here's an excellent understanding to consider: "What is you. How is who." That means that at anytime you can always do things as "you" on automatic pilot. "You," whoever you happen to be at the time, can do "what" ever. What is You. To do something, whatever, with a higher degree of excellence requires focusing on the "how," which insists on "you" being more conscious, present, new, etc. This is where we begin, delegating to "who," to that aspect of you, that archetype, that will organically do it significantly better than you ever could do running on automatic pilot. How is Who. Breathe that in.
By design, the Human Toolbox will have “you” developing your delegator, that part of you that hands off tasks to higher, more competent versions of you. In being chillingly honest, excellence is at the mercy of your inner delegator. Once you summon an optimal archetype, that version of you will actually teach you how to address what you are facing ... and it will do so with undeniable excellence.
Here's another consideration: Whether you know it or not, you experience the consequence of not working with archetypes when you are "not working with archetypes" … and the consequence ain't pretty. You are not being as conscious as you would like, meaning you are not handling things as well as you would like.
There is a direct correlation between being conscious and working with archetypes. While the idea of working with archetypes may initially seem arduous or extraneous, under closer examination, you will find a highly supportive practice, one that functions as a conditioning agent for excellence.
This entire system is tremendously supportive because it focuses more attention on the process, placing less emphasis on the goal. This type of focus is absolutely essential for enhancing quality of life. The reason is clear. To live a great life, look no further than the processes from which you live that life. “How” do you live that life?
Living a great and extraordinary life is NOT conditional based on what you are facing, the cards you are dealt, or the things that are happening. It IS conditional, however, regarding the you, the who, the energy expressing itself through you while you are addressing life's unyielding precision.Working with archetypes is fantastically helpful for wielding pristine power. For example, the unifying goodness archetype comes with a quality of pure openness, which will help you discover, uncover, and create inspiring acts of kindness. Enhancing personal immunity is a natural consequence of working with the unifying goodness archetype. The concept of wearing the armor of “God” occurs by dissolving all aspects and versions of you into the highest “Good.”
Why is this important? Darkness, densities, and distractions are everywhere. When you happen upon "dense energies," the swirl of the "unifying goodness archetype" begins singing, "Can't touch this!" Energetic distractions can be so heavy at times. That heaviness insists that we address them lightly. Light archetypes are always available. Fortunately, densities make themselves known. This makes it easier for us to know unequivocally that the time is right for calling on a specific, supportive, light archetype. Fortunately, we have swirl to help us navigate within the infinite and finite world. Swirl represents the infinite. Densities represent the finite.
So what is swirl? Swirl is unimpeded energy. It signifies the freedom and liberation from all densities. Swirl feels very light and airy for a very good reason. It is! Swirl is the antidote for many things dense and finite. We will help you know swirl. You will learn to discern the difference between “swirl within a recursion” and “The Greater Swirl.” The Greater Swirl is truly infinite. Knowing about this spacious resource is essential for following it. It is also necessary for trusting in it during times of decision making.
With an in-the-body experience and understanding of Swirl, you will have a significantly greater chance of "Wielding Pristine Power," of being a delightful channel of the "Unifying Goodness Archetype," and providing yourself the highest quality of immunity that you have available, which is far, far greater than what you have been allowed to believe. In fact, your power is way beyond this world … and that is certainly not just a concept. It is a reality that you have not been encouraged to explore. We are going to change all of that.
The Human Toolbox is the ultimate working-with-energy boot camp, meaning that the immersion into these energies, into these archetypes, will prepare you optimally for all of the mysteries that lie ahead. Are you ready? You must be. You're here. Give yourself permission to open the doors of great learnings, so that you learn about and delegate to specific archetypes and energies. The time is quite ripe for you to make the highest quality of conscious contributions you were born to make. Now let’s get started. (print out pdf version)
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