I am here, fully in charge of my greaterness, and because of that, "I" cease to be.
The "I" whom I believe myself to be is simply a torchbearer,
a temporary blip, a mere “one version of me” from a much greater possibility.
By design, this version of me will selflessly pass the torch to greater me,
supporting this beautiful, on-going process of emergence.
The best I can do, then, is surrender, melt, give way to a greater love
that longs to flow through me, birthing and revealing the greater lover within.
"I" cannot possibly know, then, who I will be.
What I can acknowledge are the reproducible phenomenon that occur
every time I open myself up to be of service for others and their greater emergence.
Being so open, so unconditionally welcoming, to discover these newer faces of love,
I become a passageway, an ease-filled, intoxicating vortex, a delightful energy form,
and a most magnificent supporter and transporter of greaterness,
with a wonderful energy that ripples through me, touches others,
ripples through them, and touches others,
people whom I may never enjoy the pleasure of meeting directly.
And, in being an open, heart-centered conduit of successions,
I show up magnificently for these many ongoing processes of emergence.
I become devotionally present to allow greater and greater successes to come in
beautifully, sweetly, easily, ever so improving in these regards,
dancing swirlfully on life’s mysterious, ever-expanding waves,
bringing in more space and more peace, breath, movement, and fluidity.
And in being this delightful contributor of a deeper, sweeter,
more meaningful, more expansive connection, I am a greater and greater possibility.
I live to enjoy an even greater awareness of life's ever-present intelligence,
that ever-flowing stream of higher and higher consciousness
that continuously reveals itself and guides and moves all things
from its current state to a more delightfully higher and freer one.
It is NEVER about what "I" know or believe.
It is, however, completely about who I am to become
as a vehicle of life's greater love and acceptance, a portal of sorts
in supporting what IS possible within the open space of pure potential,
living as a role model of respect, and bringing forth a greater and greater love.
I cannot choose the people with whom I will have the greatest positive impact,
but I will forever be a student of discovering who they will be,
regardless of how long they will be it,
living with a passionate, wondrous, investigative curiosity,
discovering and serving these unknown faces at various times
with an ever-increasing, awe-inspiring level of excellence.
In doing so, I sanctify any and all expressions of ego that may present themselves,
whether they reveal themselves through me or through the people I serve,
never attempting to make such expressions wrong or unfavorable, but instead,
accepting the invitation to learn from these intelligently timed presentations,
NOT to fix them, not correct them,
and certainly not to remove their "negative" expression,
but to embrace the many beautiful stories
these expressions of perfection are here to tell, to teach us, and to guide us
along this magnificent journey of life continually longing for its greaterness.
And so I choose to tell greater and greater stories,
learning how to improve as a magnificent storyteller, as a greater lover,
enhancing my ability to love, sanctify, and honor ALL of life,
recognizing that EVERY expression has a right to be and a need to be,
and that each expression comes with multiple reasons for being,
therefore, I look for reasons that hold each expression in the highest,
most respectful light possible, always improving in this regard,
never throwing anybody or any presentation under the proverbial bus
by not looking more deeply or more lovingly than I have in the past.
And because I am so devotionally called, my life lives in the solution,
and I so look forward to discovering exactly what that will look like.