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This "book" is simply a list of quotes that have been shared within Thriveapeutics. Many of these have been staples for years. Although many of them may feel strange out of context, they are listed below alphabetically for you to consider. Enjoy!


Address all densities and heaviness with the most swirlful purpose for each one of them.

Address convoluted energies one at a time ... and start by stopping.

All is well, always has been, always will be.

All true healing is forward healing.

Allow your life to be meaningful.

And the breath of God was felt upon my skin and I heard, "Thank you for doing my name so well."

Answer the call.

As I step into the mystery of who I am, I am forever a child.

Atheists are simply people who are unwilling to have a higher definition of God.

Be a student of efficiency, not an arrogant know-it-all.

Be an advocate for your greater self.

Be an answer to prayer (opened enough to hear it and flexible enough to carry it out).

Be both a possibilitarian and a phenomenologist.

Be careful when you're presenting a position that you're not implying that your position is complete or fully inclusive.

Be grateful for what you already have, especially the ability to respond to things better.

Before setting out on a journey, ask yourself, "How curious do I dare be?"

Being conscious or mindful is not heavy. If it's heavy, it's not conscious or mindful.

Believe in your ability to effect a positive change.

Believe in yourself, even if your past tells you otherwise.

Bitchin' in the kitchen is not about complaining. It's about having a safe place for decompressing.

Blue represents the feeling of the sacred.

Brain clearings are good.

Break the routine. Live the new dream.

Care for others when you can, yourself when you must.

Chaos is clarity.

Choose optimal over maximal.

Choose wisely the version of you (especially the version of you who makes your decisions).

Come sit with me. Yes, we will talk, but it is so much easier than that.

Complicated models are not necessary for increasing quality of life.

Controloholism is a symptom of arrogance.

Convoluted energies can bring about some unusual phemonena in the body.

Dance in the Garden with God.

Discover what brings greater meaning to your greater life.

Do what you want to do, but don't pretend that your consequences are random.

Don't be attached to who you are. Who you are is an impediment to who you could become.

Don't chase your dreams. Melt into them.

Don't do something just to get it done. Do something to get it done better.

Don't listen to respond. Listen to support.

Don't overwhelm the body, but don't underwhelm it either.

Don't see yourself as just a protagonist. Know that you're both and you'll have a fighting chance to win.

Don't treat the body seperately. Treat it holy (wholly).

Each step brings a new gift. To better yourself, accept the gifts already at your feet.

Enhance your ability to make a positive impact on those with whom you interact.

Epigenetics is like food. Supportive environments are healthy. All others are toxic.

Escape from your own tyrannical control. Your inner tyrant is not helping you, no matter how much it tells you otherwise.

Every manifestation is perfect given the set of circumstances that preceded it.

Expand the wiggle room.

Expect more of yourself.

Faith is only necessary when knowingness is absent.

Finish addressing your greatest wounds.

Focus on the solution and the problem takes care of itself.

Follow the breath.

Follow the obvious.

Forgiveness demands acceptance and then doing things better than you have in the past.

Forward healing has you meeting your newer on-coming life.

Forward healing is quite a journey, a great big mysterious adventure.

Genuine caring brings about the best service you could provide.

God knows your real name.

God's got this.

Going deeper is going lighter and going higher. If it's not higher and lighter, it's not deeper. It's just denser.

Good is not the only voice whispering in your ear.

Good will always win the long game even though evil can never be eradicated.

Healthy people die.

Healthy practices beget healthy practices.

Holistic health is a redundant phrase.

How is who. What is you. (How you do something coorelates to a specific version of you. What you do is only done by the current version of you.)

I am 100% unconditionally healthy.

I choose to laugh at myself because, truth be told, I can take life sooooo seriously.

I DARE you to take better better care of your body: Diet, Attitude, Rest, & Exercise.

I do not want to change the world. I simply want to support the people who want to change and improve themselves.

I don't know where I'm going, but I know I'm on my way.

I honor your process, even when it involves moments when you cannot honor mine.

I may not be where I want to be but I’m a lot further from where I was.

I miss so many things about you, especially who I am when I'm with you.

I love US-ing with you.

I shall lift you up all the days of your life.

I would rather make a mistake in seeing a connection than miss a connection and repeat a mistake.

I'm not as smart as I'd like to be and, worse, I'm not as smart as I think I am.

If everyone were to function at peak-performance capacity, we would observe that each person expresses life differently.

If I didn't know as much as you didn't know, I would never know it.

If I just get quiet, I should feel the sacred. (That's sarcasm.)

If it's not easy, you're not doing it right.

If something "bad" happens, tap the good within yourself.

If you absolutely must label your body's expressions, start with "awesome" and work your way up.

If you are problem focused, the problem wins.

If you believe that it's even remotely possible for you or your body to be broken, that time will come quite often.

If you focus on how bad things are, you can rest assured that you are doing your part in making things worse.

If you focus on the problem, you give the problem the energy it needs in order to sustain itself.

If you knew how many amazing gifts are waiting for you to open, you'd open.

If you knew how many people would benefit from your heart, you'd come from your heart more often.

If you knew what you couldn't know, you wouldn't be able to follow it anyway.

If you truly respected the wisdom in your body, you would listen to it more often and learn.

If your movements are graceful, your life is too.

If you're breathing, you have a great opportunity to grow. If you're growing, you're making many more great opportunities.

If you’re not learning, you’re repeating.

Instead of taking "action steps," take "breath steps" and you'll do things a whole lot better.

Integrity pays relatively little dividends in the short term yet pays significantly greater dividends in the long term.

It is impossible for you to be aware of how much potential you have. Just know it's quite phenomenal.

It's about the choices you're making and who you're making them for.

It’s more than a metaphor.

It's never a question of finding the time. It's simply a matter of allowing the time to find you.

It's not about holding space. It's about the space you hold.

It's not happening to you. It's happening for you.

It's not that I'm learning how to breathe. It's that I'm learning how to use my breath.

It's humbling and acceptable to say, "Wow, I'm still here!"

It's wise to take a chance but it's wiser to take a hint.

Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's bad.

Learn how to answer the call regarding things outside of your control.

Let it breathe.

Life continues to remind you that you are not in control. Find great comfort in that.

Life is as tenaciously mysterious as the love from which it sprang.

Life isn't about you. You're about life.

Living in a cage stunts your growth.

Love accepts what is, gives us wings, and allows us to live more lightly.

Life happens in spite of me, not to spite me.

Live your life to be the solution.

Love has much to do with everything.

Love teaches how to love.

Love will reveal anything unlike itself.

Maintain a curious spirit and go with it.

Make a positive contribution to each person who comes into your life, and learn something positive from each of them.

Make room for growth.

Make sure your words and action are in deep agreement with each other and with the wisdom that makes us one.

Meet the conditions well, with great breath.

Meet the moment well.

Meet this day in the newness of it.

Melt the body, the form, and the energy holding the body and the form.

Most people do not want to hear the truth, that most of the things they think are true are false, and the very few things that are true are fantastically incomplete.

Move in such a way that your movements don't disturb your peace.

My arrogance cannot fathom the depth of your stupidity.

My bias gets annoyed by your bias.

My how you’ve changed since I’ve changed.

My perfections can be seen in my imperfections.

My joy is inside my being.

Never appoint someone else the guardian of your happiness.

Never underestimate the power of a subtle shift.

Never underestimate the power of a supportive environment. It does us really good.

No matter how much you complicate things, there is always a simple solution.

No one owns the totality of truth.

Nothing is wrong with you. You were simply given the gift that you can always improve.

Oh you silly human. You really think this is about you?

Only when you take the step in the direction of your higher self do you gain access to the step after that.

Openness is an ongoing process of returning to the mystery, of admitting that what you know is astronomically incomplete.

Our unconditional entanglement calls me to do me better than I ever have before.

Parents never look over their newborns and say, "I'm going to raise the best hypocondriac this world has ever known."

People who believe they are experts about your body are not humble enough to help you properly.

Perfection is in the process.

Phenomena are responses we receive from life by impacting the field the way that we do.

Phenomena do not respond well under a microscope.

Places! Everyone! Places!

Plan to have no plans.

Plot twists are reminders that you're living an adventure.

Processing something poorly (suboptimally) is not processing it.

Refuse all accolades. It's not coming from you. It's coming through you.

Remember the love, not the loss.

Repeat healthy practices enough and they become you.

Sanctifying something is acknowledging that it has a higher purpose.

Science was never meant to provide answers but to question.

See yourself above yourself.

Serve others when you can, yourself when you must.

Serving others is one of the highest expressions of choice.

Sharpening the ax is great, but not when the job calls for a screwdriver.

Soap boxes are for stepping off, not for stepping on.

Something beautiful is happening.

Soul starvation is real. Feed yourself well, new food for the new you.

Speak in such a way that your words do not disturb the wisdom in the silence.

Speak the language of the Most High.

Stop in order to fill your tank properly like you do with your car.

Stopping is sacred. If it's not sacred, you haven't stopped yet. It may take some time to stop, but the nothingness is so worth it.

Study Thriveapeutics. It's the best spiritual practice you could never imagine.

Success isn't a mystery. It's a moment-by-moment readjustment you make as the mystery continues to reveal itself.

Symptoms are expressions of health.

Synchronicity is present.

Take neuroplasticity so seriously that you'll never be serious again.

Take some recreation time for the purpose of re-creation.

Take the time to let things go.

Take your worries and place them at the feet of God, and while you're down there with empty arms, pick up the peace He's left for you.

Tell the story that has never been told.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. A practice worth repeating.

The application of philosophy is not philosophizing.

The best brain-based approaches are space-based approaches.

The bigger the lock, the bigger the jewel inside.

The body is a receptive-based system that continually adapts to the environment.

The deliverer of greater possibilities stands outside yourself.

The energy of the concept and the energy of the archetype are as influencing as the energy itself.

The extraordinary path is under your feet, the new starting point.

The feedback you get from the body is always pristine.

The feeling of complete freedom is so worth the price of admiting you truly know nothing, nada.

The greater the love, the greater the loss.

The greatest adventure of your life begins with the mystery of your greaterness.

The greatest challenge we face is not what comes at us but what comes from us.

The greatest challenge we will ever face is ourselves.

The greatest doctor that ever lived exists inside of you and specializes in caring for you.

The greatest gift you can ever give your body is respect, but gratitude is a pretty close second.

The greatest hurdle you'll have to overcome is the one you put in your own way.

The gut can digest anything the heart throws at it.

The integrity is in the timing and vice versa.

The light path lights the way.

The mind and the body are so intrinsically connected that you cannot care for the body without caring for the mind and vice versa.

The most supportive form of spotting is non-personalized.

The nicest part of falling into the abyss is knowing you cannot crash.

The only difference between you and greater you is growth.

The ouchy in your body is either a wake-up call or you're in the middle of a growth spurt.

The perfection is in the process.

The quality of your activities matter more than the activities themselves.

The reason you're happening upon so many things that require your highest attention is because your highest attention can properly address so many things.

The resonance of the Most High is inviting you to invite it in.

The song in my heart is better with harmony.

The struggles you face are waiting for you to get your act together and make the type of positive impact you were born to make.

The thoughts that organically come to you are not necessarily the ones you are to entertain.

The troubles you face are weaker than the troubles you ignore.

The Universe conspires on your behalf but it does not bend to your every whim.

The Universe rewards boldness.

The Wisdom Source is always available. Swirl will help you access it.

The work does the work.

There are no ordinary people, just untold stories.

There are no problems, only calls to answer.

There is no ceiling in quality of life improvements.

There's a greater lover at your door.

There's a greaterness inside each of us and we can open to it. In fact, we can always get better at expressing our greaterness.

There’s no stopping commitment.

There’s strength in silence.

Things change with or without you. Choose with you.

To enjoy better results, learn to enjoy better the results you already have.

Train your eyes to be inspired.

Trust life. It is holding so many things together.

Tune in to the resonance of the Most High.

US-ness is all there is. There is nothing else.

We are both perfectly imperfect and imperfectly perfect.

We emote on the truth.

We seem to give our inner tyrant permission to imprison us.

Well aren’t I just the ultimate authority on what is right right now.

We're playing an infinite game with God.

What happens isn't important. How you respond to it is.

What the Wisdom Source says is so clearly wise. If it's not, it's not the Wisdom Source speaking.

What you're facing isn't important. How you face it is.

What you knows pales in comparison to what you don't know.

What you see is a representation of your focus.

Whatever is true passes right through.

Whatever your body needs, dose it properly.

When getting a stop sign, stop. It doesn't mean you're giving up your dreams. It means you're giving up the way you are going about achieving them.

When we soften who we are, our challenges soften.

When what you know is not supportive, it's best that you don't know.

When you are not getting an answer, ask a better question.

When you don't know what to do, do what you don't know.

When you finally get tired of being true to yourself, you can start being true to your greater self.

When you know that you do not know and can have faith in the good that exists in the unknowing, you're golden.

When you lose a loved one, remember the love, not the loss.

When you were young, you knew things that your greater self will gladly remind you.

When you’re in a non-supportive environment, you’re there to serve.

When you're in touch with the body, you're in touch with life.

Why ask why when who changes everything?

Working with archetypes gives you a fighting chance at freeing yourself from yourself.

Would you like to dance and see what you are capable of?

You are allowed to direct the purest energies wherever they may be calling.

You are always authenticating the integrity of your process.

You are not the rain. You are accessing and experiencing the rain.

You can be more successful and do so with greater ease.

You can have your own thoughts and ideas. I just don't trust that they are actually your thoughts and ideas.

You cannot lose your health.

You cannot rewrite the past, but you can rewrite its story.

You don’t have to entertain your thoughts just because you’re having them.

You don’t have to meet chaos chaotically.

You don’t hold space. You direct it.

You gotta stop before you start.

You have a higher calling. Place it. Answer it. Enjoy it.

You have a very unique persona running on automatic pilot.

You have an organic capacity for Greaterness.

You have so much abundance that it goes way beyond your ability to perceive it.

You have within you the spark of the divine and the sacred behaving as one.

You take yourself way too seriously and your blessings way too lackadaisically.

You will have many opportunities to thrive during non-negotiable moments.

Your body expresses tensegrity, a tensional integrity. If you optimize its tone, you optimize its function.

Your body is broken only if you say it is.

Your body reacts pristinely to each event, but it also reacts pristinely to your interpretation of each event.

Your body thrives with supplements, so add a wide variety of awesome into your diet.

Your brain is constantly attempting to regulate the health of your body, even when you're entertaining toxic thoughts.

Your family is not a part of you. You are a part of your family.

Your greater success is more a matter of choice than a matter of time. As you choose it more often, it arrives more quickly.

You have it within you to live a greater life.

Your heart sings when it's encouraged to do so.

Your influence drives people in one of two directions. Either you're empowering them to discover their own sovereignty or you're feverishly trying to indoctrinate them into yours.

Your past pain is a reminder of how far you have come. You present pain is a reminder of how far you've yet to travel.

Your willingness to be successful is only as strong as your willingness to change.

You're a super human. You may be relatively asleep, but you're still a super human.

You're a torchbearer of life longing for itself.

You're being called.

You’re not that sexy of a reference point. Heck, I'm not that sexy of a reference point.

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Archetype Book ... Intention Book ... Mantra Book ... Question Book ... Quote Book

The Guardian Within ... The Prayer Book ... Life Enrichment System (LES)

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