One of the most beloved psycho-technologies within Thriveapeutics is Successions. Successions means successive. It is also the combination of two words, success and sessions. The entire system of successions highlights the importance of following up, scheduling your success, and knowing that positive results reveal themselves in succession.
The hierarchies within Successions demonstrate how practical and effective this system continues to be. The hierarchies include both the Succession Seven and Sanctification Seven. The tagline, "Allowing your greater successes to come to you easily and joyfully" explains the overall objective of Successions.
The original Prezi Presentation about Successions is available here. Prezi allows interacting with the presentation to explore hidden pathways. A newer Prezi slideshow about Successions is available here. (Click on ">" at the bottom of that presentation to move forward. Click on "<" to go backwards.)
As far as Successions as a workshop, each gathering begins with reading the preamble and the tenets. Afterwards, each meeting follows a specific outline. It begins with participants "checking in," followed by reporting on how they are doing with previously stated objectives they shared during previous meetings. Afterwards, participants declare a new "jumping-off point," which functions like an intention or objective that gets reported on during the next meeting. The goal is to get through each meeting within 90 minutes. Depending on the size of the group, meetings may last up to two hours. Group sizes can vary with the understanding that seven people is a good maximum number to complete the meeting within two hours.
After the meeting is officially over, participants can spend some time interacting with others to see if new opportunities are available on a more personal level. Collaborative meetings of two or more people may spring forth newer ideas and strategies.