3 C's
The 3 C's takes some creative liberties in that the first "C" is for "See." The other two C's actually start with the letter C: Concede and Cultivate. As a teaching tool within the Extraordinary Path, the point is to be more conscious in being extraordinary. The 3 C's helps in this regard and is a sequential process.
First, SEE people for who they are as magical beings that are worthy to breathe air. You may not see them as magical or worthy for a multitude of reasons, many of which have much to you with you and less to do with them. When you actually SEE someone, they respond in kind. That doesn't mean they will respond the way you want them to. It means they will be better for having been seen, whether you see the improvements or not.
Once you SEE them, you will have opportunity after opportunity to "concede" to their magnificence, their place in the world. Not sure what that is? That brings us to the final C, cultivate it. In fact, "Cultivate the Most High," which means do not just attribute any meaning. Attribute the highest meaning possible.