Here is a list of mantras for you to consider. Mantras have two important benefits that are unique to them. First off, since they are mantras, they get repeated often. More importantly, they are stated in such a way that they appeal to the subconcious mind. Beginning with the words, "I choose," mantras are not affirmations in that they are not affirming more than a choice, a choosing. Because of those two factors, mantras work extremely well for self-programming. For example, mantras can contain an "if-then" in them, meaning if these conditions are met, then "I choose ..."
Mantras began as the backbone of Dynamic Cognitive Programming, a fundemental tool within Greaterness Coaching. The successes from mantras arise from providing high quality care toward a more optimal mindset. Mantras are unmatched in this regard. Arriving at a wonderfully timed, engaging mantra is often the best jumping-off point for ending a session since it provides so much juice for integration. Check out the list of mantras below and see which ones work best for you. Maybe one of them will inspire you to write a more personalized mantra for your unique brand of greaterness.
Many thanks to Amy (Amala) Forman for all of her "notes" and contributions to these mantras.
As a spiritually devotional practice, I choose to improve my ability to sanctify.
As I witness from the mountaintop, I choose to acknowledge that God is on the job — always has been, always will be.
Between what I can and cannot do, lies the will of God, and I choose to see it, feel it, know it, believe it, respect it.
For non-attachment, I choose to be open with the highest truth and move with it.
I choose ease to enhance my emergence.
I choose the lightness of right action and meeting everything with a great sense of humor.
I choose to accept my inheritance, the pioneering beauty of my emerging elder archetype.
I choose to acknowledge the importance of personal growth in my life.
I choose to advocate for my greater self.
I choose to allow my body to elongate and enjoy the fruits of spaciousness.
I choose to allow my greater successes to come to me.
I choose to allow myself to go to higher and higher levels for serving higher and higher truths.
I choose to allow swirl to offer a greater story, especially when I need it most.
I choose to allow the breath of life to lift me.
I choose to allow the emerging mystery to present itself however is most appropriate, whether it feels foreign or familiar.
I choose to allow younger souls to do what younger souls do.
I choose to answer the call and stop, to listen well and answer the other calls I hear.
I choose to answer the calls of providing myself the highest forms of self-care.
I choose to attribute little or no significance to events and, instead, lean into the versions of me that will meet them well.
I choose to be a channel of creativity.
I choose to be a conscious conduit of the unifying goodness archetype.
I choose to be a force of positivity.
I choose to be a safe place for a person with flaws (imperfections) to land.
I choose to be a unfying force of "we got this."
I choose to be an advocate for my thriving.
I choose to be an advocate for swirl.
I choose to be an agent of graceful, positive change.
I choose to be an inspiring collaborator.
I choose to be a swirling success, discovering who I am to serve and who I will serve exceptionally well.
I choose to be comfortabe in my vulnerability.
I choose to be conscious of my ever-evolving relationship with God.
I choose to be conscious regarding my positions of strength.
I choose to be fully present and meet the moment well with swirlful openness.
I choose to be gentle with myself.
I choose to be honest with myself about how little I know about my emerging self.
I choose to be honest with myself regarding the calls I am to answer.
I choose to be in awe of the mystery revealing itself, including the timing.
I choose to be more assertive.
I choose to be more conscious, deliberate, present.
I choose to be more gentle with myself when identifying areas that need improving.
I choose to be present to life’s intelligence and act as the force of positivity that I am.
I choose to be so open so I can discover what is right action.
I choose to be so open that I discover how I can be of greater support.
I choose to be the guardian of my own lightness.
I choose to be the person who expresses an organic going-with-it-ness.
I choose to be the poster child for dignity.
I choose to be wise in self-care and move in accordance to life’s intelligence.
I choose to breathe in God’s newness and let go of all else that can be sent on its way.
I choose to breathe in deeply the breath of peace.
I choose to breathe so well and often.
I choose to bring forth an emerging lightness.
I choose to bring in my Magnificent Greater Self.
I choose to capitalize on opportunities I am not allowed to squander.
I choose to catch myself meeting the moment well.
I choose to communicate in ways that work really well for the people with whom I communicate.
I choose to communicate well with my family.
I choose to concede to the fact that my future is a lot brighter than I usually admit.
I choose to continue to do what I need to do in order for my greater successes to be self-sustaining.
I choose to cooperate with my emerging, thriving sexuality.
I choose to dance among my many archetypes and fill this world with great things.
I choose to demonstrate excellence in professionalism.
I choose to demonstrate self-love through the expression of a breath-filled greater-self archetype.
I choose to develop the archetype who blesses all things that come, comfortable or not, fearful or not, joyful or not—ALL things.
I choose to direct space toward things that will thrive with more breathing room.
I choose to disappear, diving into the bigness of the nothingness.
I choose to discover new ways of allowing my successes to come to me.
I choose to do this day well, stepping lightly and with inspiring breath.
I choose to elder well—with flexibility, strength, and passion.
I choose to enhance my deepening relationship to the many faces of God.
I choose to enhance my relationship with the Guardian Within to act as a compass for my emerging self.
I choose to enjoy a curiously successful reentry, filled with oogles of wondrous surprise and so much fun.
I choose to enjoy greater clarity and awareness.
I choose to expand my use of practical integration before I step into a room, by walking in with the perfect mantra.
I choose to experience the Breath of God through my body during times when God would direct me to answer the call.
I choose to feed my spirit the freshness of considering what juices me today.
I choose to focus on discovering who I am to serve, who I will serve exceptionally well.
I choose to focus significantly more on the significance I attribute to something.
I choose to follow the breath to do well what needs to be done.
I choose to forgive often and release more.
I choose to fully participate in a thorough and complete exploration of my marriage, taking full response-ability when I’m not at peace and being fully accountable for the roles I play.
I choose to get honest with myself about balancing my life and living in right action.
I choose to give and receive great care to and from the bigger picture.
I choose to give myself permission to be a loving leader in my family.
I choose to give myself permission to enjoy the excitement of my emergence.
I choose to have easier access to a lighter place, independent of where I am.
I choose to honor the torchbearer, who I am and to whom I can pass the torch.
I choose to identify myself with the calm, Oceanic Greater Self archetype, and be in flow.
I choose to improve my ability to be present to all of the good.
I choose to keep freshness on the front burner, in the foreground, always supporting the newness of my day-to-day life.
I choose to learn how to be successfully independent.
I choose to learn how to co-exist and thrive with things outside of my control.
I choose to learn how to support my optimal functionality.
I choose to listen well to the wisdom of life especially when improvements are necessary.
I choose to live from such a place that I not only remember, but I embody the unconditional all-is-well ness.
I choose to live life on life’s terms.
I choose to maintain an optimal balance.
I choose to make better choices that enhance my relationships.
I choose to make peace with being "inconvenienced."
I choose to make peace with the mystic forces of life and death.
I choose to make peace with the wisdom inherent in letting what comes come and letting what goes go.
I choose to manifest the creative magic that comes with being in the flow.
I choose to manifest the peace that naturally comes from sanctifying everything.
I choose to meet my day in such a way it pleases me.
I choose to melt into right action.
I choose to melt into the archetype who organically sanctifies any pain I experience.
I choose to melt into the direction of my calling.
I choose to melt into the mystery, the unfamiliar, the totality of who I truly am.
I choose to melt into the wisdom of the swirl.
I choose to move in lightness, being open and ready.
I choose to move in pristine spiritual alignment to the outer world.
I choose to move in waves, expressing my awesomeness.
I choose to open my heart and live swirlfully.
I choose to pioneer my own emergence by being in perfect alignment with the integrity of my growth and fulfillment.
I choose to play in the ways that respect my body more.
I choose to practice a higher form of self-care.
I choose to practice the art of letting decisions reveal themselves.
I choose to prepare myself well, safely, for those moments when I am carried into the mystery.
I choose to read the tea leaves well to assess the calls I am to answer and to answer them like a boss.
I choose to receive the resonance of a well-timed session.
I choose to relax into God’s presence.
I choose to remember: It’s never as bad as we suffer. It’s never as bad as we fear. It’s never as bad as forgetting that all of my answers are here.
I choose to remember that keeping up is not about being winded. It’s about doing it so well that the wind carries you.
I choose to remember that no matter what, I will be okay, because unconditionally, I am.
I choose to remember the love and the highest moments I have ever been able to share.
I choose to remind myself how relatively little I know consciously and how much I know silently.
I choose to renew my enthusiasm for curiousity and what is to be.
I choose to respect the timing of all gestation periods, whether it’s my own personal growth or the integrity of others.
I choose to sanctify my reactions so well that I respond perfectly.
I choose to sanctify whetever presents itself.
I choose to see and embody the beauty of this emerging form.
I choose to see the world through the eyes of the most high.
I choose to see the world with new eyes.
I choose to sit at the table of open and honest inquiry.
I choose to soften the tensions in my body, unwinding and feeling freer.
I choose to step back and see more clearly.
I choose to step lightly, breathe, and soften.
I choose to step up in having my back more often.
I choose to stop the arrogant practice of assuming that things are bad, as if I could possibly know that things are truly bad, and start, at the very least, seeing them as neutral.
I choose to stop, to rest, relax, and rejuvenate.
I choose to support life’s wisdom.
I choose to support the breath that naturally arises from giving things space.
I choose to support the greatest possibility of myself.
I choose to support the freedom to choose, remembering that everybody has an integrity and a process.
I choose to take steps each day to enhance my momentum in taking great care of myself.
I choose to tell greater stories regarding the wisdom in all things.
I choose to touch and experience the sacred so well, so deeply and honestly, that others I touch feel it as well.
I choose to work within the wiggle room, between what I can and cannot do.
If I access a disturbing recursive state, I choose to create a new pathway for neurological expansion.
If I feel a disturbance in my body, I choose to facilitate any degree of peace I can enjoy.
In addressing my relationship to death and dying, with the dissolution of my sense of self, I choose to make peace.
In honoring the controlaholic archetype, I choose to release all expectations and cooperate with the spirit of higher living.
In moments of hopelessness, I choose to remind myself of the intelligence of life, how little I know, and how all is unconditionally well.
In response to pain and my reaction to pain, I choose, to the best of my ability, to appreciate the reality of feeling more.
In the face of a storm, I choose to remember that this too shall pass.
Instead of merely accessing regret, I choose to celebrate that I can always improve.
No matter how serious, grave, or intense the situation, I choose to meet it lightly.
When answering the call seems inconvenient, I choose to answer the call.
When I attempt to take responsibility during times when life’s wisdom is fully responsible, I choose to imagine myself doing the Hoochie Coochie Dance.
When I’m experiencing overwhelm, I choose to stop and allow the air to clear, so that I may better hear and enjoy my spiritual inheritance, the path of my ever-evolving emergence.
With all that I am, I choose to remember that I am a great possibility.
With softening in my body as my guide, I choose to expand the peace inside me.
Archetype Book ... Intention Book ... Mantra Book ... Question Book ... Quote Book
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