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Thriveapeutics cares well for the mind with the practice of Greaterness Coaching, a distinctively unique approach that supports neuroplasticity, which enhances the processing abilities of the mind. Greaterness Coaching differentiates itself from other established practices by incorporating the many concepts, ideas, and perspectives of Thriveapeutics and distilling them down into one highly effective method of support, education. The type of education occurs personally and organically through the process of simply having a conversation.

Greaterness Coaching secures its value by providing more questions than answers. In fact, the entire approach of Greaterness Coaching emphasizes more listening than speaking. The term "Greaterness" represents an interesting point. Within the well-established hierarchical model of "great, greater, and greatest" hides the following level, greaterness. "Greatest" has no ceiling. A Greaterness always exists.

Greaterness Coaching focuses on improving two key areas, awareness and relationship. Awareness includes perspective, understanding, interpretation, etc. The second area, relationship, has to do with our very own relationship to our own awareness. Since we can always become more proficient in seeing things better and more clearly, we can easily enhance our awareness and relationship to all things, to anything. Throughout the years, Greaterness Coaching remains a fantastic resource for improving both awareness and our relationship to our awareness.

Here is a video with Amala, an inspired participant since 1999 and a sweet advocate for Greaterness Coaching.

Greaterness Coaching Sessions ... Greaterness Coaching Classes

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