Multiple Truths

LeftAlign1) A humbling concept that emphasizes the fantastically incomplete nature of any truth.

2) A resource that encourages more listening and learning than declaring full ownership of truth.

3) A concession that biases and prejudices exist, whether conscious or non-conscious.

4) A practice for combating confirmation biases, whereby true learning to the point of seeing from a greater perspective is more likely.

Blind men and an elephant

Nobody owns the totality of truth. Every aspect of truth is fantastically incomplete relative to the greater, all-encompassing truth, of which we (including science) cannot fully perceive. No other model has highlighted that more effectively for so many MANY years as the story of the Blind men and an elephant.

To actually poke fun at this concept, one of the Thriveapeutic tenets states, "The singular, ultimate truth is there are multiple truths." To say that the only "all-emcompassing" truth is that there are multiple truths is both a paradox and ironic. One of the benefits of Multiple Truths is to keep us both humble and open in recognizing that no matter how true we are, our truth remains fantastically incomplete.

Soap Boxes are for Stepping Off, Not for Stepping On

RightAlignOne of the main components of Multiple Truth is the recommendation that when you catch yourself standing on a soap box, get off it. You do not own the totality of truth. No one does. No one can. That humbling position encourages you to listen, learn, and grow.

The word "understanding" has more to do with getting off the soap box than it does comprehending something. To "stand under" something is to take a lower or meek position, one that steps off the pedestal of a speific aspect of the truth. By standing under a different representation of the truth, you can better begin to grasp (understand) all of the phenomena that correlate to it.

Multiple Benefits

Isn't it time you started to apply all of these empowering concepts to your current life? Contact Dr. Michael at 770-912-9197 to find out personally just how supportive this work is.