Successions is the perfect term for "Success Sessions," especially given the sequential component in making successive improvements. One of the most beloved creations by Dr. Michael, Successions includes a hierarchy of priorities known as the Succession Seven. After "Stopping," which is the zero point, Successions begins with "Mindfulness" and ends with "Creativity/Newness." These seven qualities applied in order bring about a more integrative result, one that occurs more organically and lasts longer.
The Successions Seven are, in order, Mindfulness, Ease, Sanctification, Gratitude, Happiness, Kindness, and finally Creativity/Newness.
Of the seven, the one that requires an even deeper dive is Sanctification. For this reason, Sanctification has its own Seven-Step Process, the Sanctification Seven.
The term Sanctification represents the act of seeing something in its highest possible light. To exalt something is to raise it to its highest possible position.
The Sanctification Seven is as follows:
0) Prepare for Unconditional Welcoming
1) Unconditional Welcoming
2) Meet
3) Greet
4) Interview
5) Vow
6) Assess
7) Address
The zero point in the Sanctification Seven is Preparing for Unconditional Welcoming. The tenets help tremendously. Since there are 10 of them, for lightness they also go by the name of "the ten its." The more time spent with the tenets, the more likely Unconditional Welcoming will occur at the time when it is needed the most, during challenging times.
The Tenets / Ten Its
It Number 1) All is well, always has been, always will be.
It Number 2) Life is Intelligent.
It Number 3) All feedback is perfect given the set of circumstances that preceded it.
It Number 4) The singular, ultimate truth is there are multiple truths.
It Number 5) Something is either good or bad depending on how you choose to see it.
It Number 6) There are no problems, only calls to answer.
It Number 7) Your choices alter what comes into your life and what goes out.
It Number 8) Serving others is one of the highest expressions of choice.
It Number 9) The answers you seek are in the questions you ask.
It Number 10) The Wisdom Source is always available. "Swirl" will help you access it.